Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Tuesday June 6, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Love having the sun streaming through our slider 0600. Our string of nice days continues.

Nancy heads out early for her Tuesday morning swim. I am on the bike at 0800 heading to the Y.

Today I talked to a gentleman who lives in Maryland. Every year he brings his handicapped daughter to a special school located on Burton Street next to the old MAC. I first met him at the old MAC. He said this school is one of the best in the USA. His daughter is now 20. This is the last week of class so the students are attending the Y and learning to use their special exercise machines.

Today is the 73rd anniversary of the D Day landing in France. The Daily Mail has a number of colorized photos from the Landing. Very interesting. I have met several men who were involved in the landing. All vets who took part would now be in their 90s.

Thursday is Election Day in the U.K. I was surprised but I did not see any poll info in today's papers. Maybe after blowing BRexit the pollsters are laying low.

The London Police Chief said today that despite the terror incidents she does not think regular police officers should be armed. I agree. In fact I have changed my opinion of allowing folks to carry guns. I don't want to be in a restaurant or public arena with some folks carrying guns.

Blog resumes at 1715 sitting on deck drinking Vernor's ginger ale and soda.

Left Panera at 1230, temperature had risen to 75. At home chained up my bike and took a walk around the block.

Kim cleaned today so the house will be nice and clean when Debbie arrives Thursday night. After lunch I moved a TV into the room Debbie will be using. Also spent some time putting away more cold weather clothes. I think no more temps in the 30s until September.

Tonight Nancy is grilling brats. Grilled brats are a sure sign summer is upon us.

I really enjoy our deck but several wood deck boards are badly warped. Called condo maintenance company and they said fill out a form and they will put me on the list. Sounds like a stall.

Some family stories from this date, June 6.

June 6, 1927 my Grandmother Hughes was in Italy. On this date she took a bus tour, first stop Pompeii to visit ruins and then lunch in Amalie followed by a drive to Sorrento and then back to Naples.

June 6, 1938 my Great Grandfather Sanborn spent all day working in garden. He did take a break and drove down to Smith Fish House and bought a piece of herring for dinner.

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