Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Monday June 26, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

It was partly cloudy and cool, 56, this morning. Nancy headed out early to attend an Estate Sale that had some Hummel Figurines on sale. No MVP for her today.

I had quick breakfast and then got on the single speed and pedaled to the Y. I did encounter a few sprinkles on the ride. The Y was loaded with kids attending summer camp but few adults.

In the London papers it was reported that Stalin was voted Most Outstanding in a current Russian poll. Russians must have short memories.

Short memories and surviving a sex scandal. The recent Italian election showed a resurgence of the right wing party of Silvio Barlusconi.

Boris Becker the great German tennis star has declared bankruptcy. The poor guy had his Porsche and Maserati impounded by the Brits for parking violations.

Snippets from the WSJ:

The upside to the shale revolution is increases in US plastic production. Natural gas is used to produce plastics. Dow Chemical and others are investing billions in new plants creating jobs and helping our trade balance.

Good news several states are repealing cities ban on plastic shopping bags. I like plastic bags.

Elon Musk’s Space X program launched two rockets this weekend, one on each coast. The rockets launched satellites. Private enterprise at its best.

At home I took a short walk had lunch and then Nancy and I got in the Escape and headed to Hobby Lobby. Love this store, we bought several small items.

Short nap and then started our walk with Ms P. She balked. So we scrubbed the walk.

I checked my credit card activity and cleaned my desk.

We had light dinner and now are watching the news on PBS. Will take a walk after the news.

Watched two shows on Acorn before turning in.

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