Friday, June 9, 2017

Thursday June 8, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Wow another nice sunny day, our streak continues. Nancy was out early for her Thursday swim at MVP. I left at 0800 for my hour bike ride to the Y.

In my recent blog I mentioned that this week the Y is hosting students from a school for kids with disabilities. Today they had the kids going up the climbing wall. It is a confidence builder. Good job folks.

Today my favorite 94 year old UM grad, class 54 and his wife, class 56 asked me a movie question. What was the title of the war movie staring Burt Lancaster and Frank Sinatra? I knew the answer, From Here to Eternity. Next question the female lead? I knew the answer to that one, Deborah Kerr.

The London papers today were all about today's U.K election plus several articles about the Senate appearance of the former FBI director Comey. What is the fascination with a Federal bureaucrat? Hillary said he cost her the election and President Trump fired him.

London paper had a list of the World's Top 20 Universities. Eleven were located in the USA. No USA public university made the list. Four were located in the U.K and surprising two were in Switzerland and only one in China.

Mammoth resort in CA still has over 240" of snow at the summit. They will be skiing until August. CA goes from drought to abundance. As a wise Michigan farmer once told me "one extreme follow another".

At home I took my bike to the Ada Bike Shop. They are booked a week out so I will bring it in next Wednesday. Next Nancy and I got in the Escape and headed to Pet Smart for pills for Ms P and a final stop at Trader Joe's for supplies.

Took a nap and then a light dinner. We watched Pie in the Sky and now are watching Bosch on Amazon. After this show is over we are heading to the airport to pick up Debbie.

Debbie's plane was on time. We had a nice talk before turning in at midnight.

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