Sunday, June 25, 2017

Friday June 23, 2017

Blog time 1125 at Panera

Boy did it rain last night. We had about four heavy showers last night. It was still raining when we got up this morning.

I did turn on the AC so the house would be cool when Kim came to clean.

Because of the rain I did all my calisthenics at home this morning. I got on the rowing machine and the screen was blank. I replaced the batteries and the screen was still blank. However, as I started rowing the screen gradually became brighter and brighter. After 10 minutes of rowing it was normal.

Showered had breakfast and just as I was leaving Nancy and Kim arrived. Nancy said the rain had stopped so I biked to Panera. My bike route this morning included the hills on Thornapple Drive north of I 96.

Last night I read Peggy Noonans OP-Ed that I think will appear in Saturday’s WSJ. She wrote about the bias of the news media. I highly recommend it. She hit the nail on the head.

Each morning I check the “News” App on my ipad. I read the “New Editors Pick”, “News Top Stories”, “Daily Mail” and “The Telegraph”. Lately, The Telegraph has blocked out many stories because they want you to buy a subscription. I quit reading The Telegraph.

Some articles I found interesting.
Turkey is no longer teaching Evolution in their schools. Sound familiar?
Dental work in USA is so expensive that many folks are going to Mexico. Nancy and I can attest to the cost of dental work.
Leave them alone and they will multiply. Grizzly bears in Yellowstone are no longer endangered. In Michigan the beavers were once trapped out. They now are so numerous that they are a nuisance.

The Navy Destroyer Fitzgerald’s crash is confusing. The cargo ship made a surprise U turn. Some stories say the cargo ship was on auto pilot. Usually the skipper of a US Naval vessel involved in an accident is held responsible and subject to Court-Martial. I asked several former sea going Naval Officers about responsibly. They said no comment until the investigation is complete.

Kim had finished cleaning about the time I got home, 1300. The house looks good.

Spent some time getting my office squared.

I have had my single speed bike hung up for the past nine months. I thought I had used a standard padlock to secure but the master key did not work. Today I gathered all my keys that looked similar to the padlock. The last key I tried worked, so no need to saw the lock. The bike had clip on pedals that I have problems with, especially when trying to dismount. I usually fall. Took the bike to the Ada Bike shop and they put on standard pedals. At home I took the bike for a spin. I was able to get up a steep hill near the condo. I think all the hill climbing I have been doing has strengthened my legs.

Nancy and I took Ms P on her nature walk. No problems.

Nancy is cooking a pork chop and asparagus in the crock pot. It smells good.

I still don't know what net neutrality is, or do I care?

Afghanistan is a mess. I hope we can get out soon.

The Philippine Government is having problems containing the Islamic militants on the island of Mindanao. I hope we don't get pulled into this mess.

Does the GOP’s health plan require everyone to have insurance? I think we should all pay just like auto insurance.

We had a quiet evening reading and watching TV.

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