Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Monday June 12, 2017

Blog time 1000 sitting at Panera

We woke up this morning, 0615, with sun streaming through the sliding and birds chirping. Sunrise today was at 0602. Several week ago we bought a new and bigger bird feeder. The feeder is popular with all birds, big and small. I fill the feeder once a day. The feeder is nearly empty by noon. I have been putting silicone spray on the pole holding the feeder and that seems to keep the squirrels off.

Nancy headed out early to MVP for a class. I did my calisthenics at home, showered and then started reading the morning news. The U.K. Tories are having a hard time believing last week's election results. It might take some time for the U.K. pols to sort things out.

Debbie slept in today so I had my normal breakfast. We will have lunch at Yesterdog later.

I walked to Panera this morning. It was 81 degrees at 1000 with an expected high of 87 later.

Today is first day of summer vacation for school kids in GR. From age 12 on I would spent about the first six weeks of summer vacation at my Grandfather Scott's farm. I helped with the harvest of hay. I remember long days, three big meals a day, and hard work. My Grandfather paid me in a lump sum once the hay was in.

Walked home, Nancy and Debbie were waiting for me. We got in the Escape and headed to Eastown. First stop was Yesterdog for a world famous Yesterdog. We all agreed they were good.

Next stop was the antique store at the corner of Wealthy and Lake Drive. Spent some time looking around but nothing purchased.

Dropped Debbie and Nancy at home and then headed to the D&W gas station. Filled up the Escape. Gas was $2.39.

I took a 2.5 miles walk, followed by a shower and nap. Nancy had a late afternoon Dentist appointment to reattach two permanent crowns. The Dentist said this time he used super-glue.

We had dinner at Brann's. Debbie and I had their sizzler and Nancy a baked potato.

We watched a Dr Blake Mystery and some of the NBA game before turning in.

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