Thursday, June 29, 2017

Wednesday June 28, 2017

Blog time 0950 at Panera

Another nice sunny June day. This is also my easy Wednesday.

Later today I am taking the single speed and biking on the White Pine Trail. I want to go from Riverside Park in GR to Rockford. Stay tuned.

Biked to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast. Panera has a good early morning crowd.

The massive cyber attack in Europe especially Ukraine worried NATO enough that they will provide financial support to Ukraine. The cyber attach was heaviest in the Ukraine but impacted most of Europe. I don’t know how Governments can stop these attacks? Probably first they must find out what organization is responsible.

The Washington Post recently reported that the Obama administration knew of Russia’s attempted hacking probes into our recent Presidential election. They did nothing presumably because they assumed that Clinton would win. According to reports the USA had the capability to attack the Russian power grid.

I always thought that Gypsies were something out of the early 20th Century. Recently a large group of Gypsies have entered the U.K from France. They are pulling trailers with their luxury cars. The Gypsies spent the night in any open space. The residents panic when they see these large group of folks with less than satisfactory reputations. Problems ensue.

Scanned the papers and then headed home. Loaded up the single speed and headed to Riverside Park. Pedaled to Rockford. It has been several years since I did this ride. I had forgotten what a pleasant ride it was. Today was my longest bike ride of the years, 25 miles. Of course the ride is flat which makes it easy.

Stopped at Meijer’s and bought some Schuler’s soft cheese. I really like this cheese.

At home collected the recyclables, did a load of laundry all before a taking a nap.

Nancy worked at Meijer's Gardens this afternoon. She said they were very busy.

It was raining when Nancy got home so we postponed our walk with Ms P.

Light dinner and then I walked to the mailbox. We watched an episode of Hamlisch MacBeth on Acorn. I liked it but Nancy said the jury is still out. We also watched a Dr Blake Mysteries episode. Rain tonight but warmer tomorrow.

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