Saturday, June 17, 2017

Friday June 16, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Finally we got some much needed rain last night. It had stopped by the time we left home. I still have not figured out what the wear on these warm mornings. I overdressed this morning and was soaking wet when I got to the Y.

First time at the Y in over a week. I thought the place would be crowded with all sort of classes for vacationing school kids. Not the case the place was empty.

The big apartment fire in London still dominates the news. Like in the USA all the politicians are either defending themselves or blaming the folks in power. I am losing all respect for politicians of all stripes. It is all about getting and keeping power.

Some recent observations:

Several school bus stops on my morning bike ride. I am surprised at the number of men, over 50%, who drop the kids off and wait for the bus to pick them up.

The number of folks who put honey in their coffee. Honey! I drink mine black.

SUV’s seem more popular than sedans and most SUV’s have all wheel drive.

The most popular shorts for men are cargo shorts.

Today’s young 20s are much taller than my generation.

Consumer’s Report and J.D. Powers do not rate Jeeps very highly but they are very popular in GR especially the four door military style jeep.

At home I took an article to the UPS store to mail to CA. Made a quick stop at Costco to buy sandwich rolls. Costco was very crowded but the checkout lanes were fully staffed so paying was a breeze.

Nancy is grilling burgers, asparagus and potatoes for dinner. Sounds great.

Amazon is buying Whole Foods? What gives, I never thought highly of Whole Foods. Is it to try and put Walmart’s Grocery delivery out of business?

I don’t like President Trump’s change in our Cuba policy. I think if we eliminate all barriers that Cuba will implode.

NAFTA is good for the USA. I am a free trader.

How about a national sales tax. Congress should get working on tax reform. I like a sales tax because everyone pays. A low tax rate based on gross income with no deductions is my preferred tax. All income over $5,000,000 should be taxed at 35%. The rich folks must pay.

The grilled burgers, potatoes, beans and asparagus were great. I really like grilled veggies.

We watched an episode of Last Tango in Halifax before turning in.

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