Friday, June 30, 2017

Thursday June 29, 2017

Blog time 1125 at Panera

It rained most of the night but had stopped by the time we got up at 0630. Swim day for Nancy so she left early.

Some exercises, breakfast and then I headed out at 0800. Still riding my single speed. I like the simplicity.

Have folks left for a long Fourth of July Weekend because traffic was light and the Y was empty.

Some observations and opinions: new tattoos on seniors are not attractive; I like short hair on mature women; sprinklers should not be allowed after 0800, I hate getting wet. Cargo shorts on men are not that bad. I recommend the 12” iPad Pro, it is a great machine.

From the I can’t believe it category: the uptight British men are up in arms because ties are no longer required in Parliament.

From the You are out of line Mr President category: the President made personal attacks on Mika Brzezinski of Morning Joe. Not good manners or good business. Observe the grade school rhyme Mr President “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”

Spent most of the afternoon in our garage. First project was to replace the light in our garage door control unit. The light goes on every time we open the door. Without the light the garage is dark. I ended up going to ACE to get the proper bulbs.

Next project was to get all my bike gear straightened out. Spent several hours sorting through all the places I had stored bike gear. I now have everything in one place. Also put a kick stand on the single speed and oiled its chain. I now have a kit on each bike so that I can replace a tire if the need arises.

For dinner Nancy and I walked to Shepard’s Grill. It is about 0.5 miles from the condo. We both had their navy bean soup.

At home we took Ms P on her walk. We read the GRP and watched an episode of Midsomer Murders on Netflix. We just had a shower pass by. It was short lived but very intense.

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