Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Tuesday June 20, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Another sunny morning in GR. Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim. I headed out at 0800 into bright sun and 60 degree temp.

I just reviewed some spectacular photos of the forest fires in Portugal. I did not realize that Portugal was that heavily forested. A trip to Portugal is on our bucket list.

The BRexit talks have started and confusion on both sides prevails. The U.K. is all in a twitter because the temp reached 91 yesterday. Good grief 90 degree temps are common in the summer in most of the USA.

Nancy is having lunch with two friends, Carol Masten and Becky Verker. Tonight we are attending the annual meeting of our condo association, The Meadows. The meeting will take place at Noto’s restaurant.

I think there were over 200 kids attending summer programs at the Y today. MVP has a large outdoor facility that I pedal by every day. They have girls and boys lacrosse and soccer camps. Lacrosse has become a big sport in GR.

Way to go US Supreme Court! The Supreme Court said that the Rock Band, Slants, could keep their name. The decision was based on Free Speech. I agree.

Famous Sports Journalist Mike Francesca on his radio show used the term Orientals. He was blasted for using racist language. Good grief is this PC gone amuck. I was taught the term Oriental in grade school and in my 79 years have never been told it was racist.

As soon as I got home took a walk around the block followed by lunch.

When Nancy got home from lunch we got in the Escape and headed to Trader Joe’s. We bought wine, baguette and a watermelon.

I took a short nap. Nancy fixed me a steak and ale pie for dinner. We left home at 1815 to attend the annual Condo Association meeting. The meeting was well attended. Usual business meeting agenda followed by questions and answers. Not much controversy among the members. Like most organizations the shortage of funds is always a problem. The meeting was over by 1930.

We finished our outdoor activities by taking Ms P on a short walk.

I have lost my connection to Acorn and don’t know how to restore it. Tomorrow I will make work of finding what can be done.

We did watch an episode of Dr Blake Mysteries on Netflix before turning in.

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