Monday, June 19, 2017

Monday June 19, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Woke up at 0615 with sun streaming through slider.

Noticed on my bike ride to the Y that our recent heavy rains had filled every depression. Good mosquito breeding areas. Also noted a lot of downed branches across the trail.

It was 59 when I left and 71 when I arrived at Y one hour later. Speaking of weather the London papers are warning folks about how to survive the heat wave. Good grief the temp almost got to 90 yesterday. Business men are told they don’t have to wear suits.

What gives in the world of politics: the socialists are pushed out in France and replaced with center right government.

The center right government in UK loses seats to the left leaning Labour Party lead by a socialist.

The USA ousts the left leaning Dems and now control congress and most state legislatures.

Recent observations: we seem to be having a mini baby boom. I have noted a large number of pregnant women.

I noted this morning three men well over 6’5” each with a tiny wife and a baby. Which genes will prevail?

My favorite trashy newspaper the Daily Mail seems to be obsessed with stories about huge snakes. Every day is a new story about 20 foot python swallowing a deer or attacking children. The paper does have great historical photos. Today they had photos of the German Army during WW II. Another story complete with photos was about a couple climbing El Capitan in Yosemite completely nude.

Blog resumes at 1730 sitting on deck.

For the past two days Nancy and I have been walking Ms P a short distance in hopes that the walks will strengthen her leg. Today we took our longest walk to date. She seems to enjoy the outdoor activity.

Quick lunch and then we all got in the Escape and headed to the Meijer's at Knapp Corner. Nancy made several purchases.

Granddaughter AJ is coming to visit in July and Nancy spent some time today trying to find a place to stay in LA when we take her back. We have reservations at a Hampton Inn in Carson. We also are looking at the place in Redondo Beach.

I paid some bills this afternoon. Also spent some time looking for a wool tee shirt that I had stored for the summer. Surprise, I found a package of new underwear and also another pair of biking knickers. I was going to buy underwear and knickers so today's find saved me over $100.

I spent some time ironing khaki long pants and several khaki cargo shorts. I don't know how to properly iron cargo shorts.

Took a short nap. Tonight dinner will be light. Last night we watched several episodes of a London cop show. It was quite good but the name escapes me.

Today we had the condo maintenance folks stop by to look at our wood deck. They took measurements and will replace several wood boards. Today is also the day we get the lawn mowed. They are just finishing up, 1800, and it look great.

1850 and I am heading out to walk to a nearby mailbox. On these long days I really enjoy an evening walk.

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