Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Wednesday June 14, 2017

Blog time 0930 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday. I slept until nearly 0700. Nancy headed out to MVP. Rain has been predicted for today but it sure did not look like rain when I walked outside to fill the bird feeder. I decided to take a short bike ride to Panera. I rode to Cascade Twp Park on Thornapple. I like this route because I encounter several hills. The Medical folks say us old guys need to get our heart rate up for a short time every day. These hills do it. Total distance to Panera five miles.

After Panera I am taking my bike to the Ada Bike Shop for a tune up. Then I will head to the Ford dealer to get an oil change. I was surprised but the Escape's recommended interval for an oil change is 5,000 miles.

I checked the Alpena News and London papers. Nothing earth shattering. China is developing a solid fuel rocket, PM May still has not formed a government, Oliver Stone and Putin are a good match, lier to lier and today is Flower Day and Flag Day in the USA.

Blog resumes at 1750, sitting at dining table:

I am on my own for dinner tonight. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon and after her shift she is heading directly to Book Club. No more pizza night because Tom Moleski has golf league.

Uber is sure having growing pains. Its CEO is taking a leave of absence and board member David Bonderman is resigning because of a sexist remark he made to Arianna Huffington another board member. I read the remark and think it is a bit of a stretch to call it offensive. It is something men of my generation might say. Political Correctness gone amok.

Venezuela is a basket case. How long can Maduro hang on?

I was surprised that my oil change was free. The serviceman said the first change is always free.

After the oil change I took a quick walk around the block. It was 90 degrees. I also did a load of laundry and took out the recycle and trash.

Found time to take a short nap. I have a backup bike to use while my Bad Boy is in the shop. Pumped up the tires and took it for a short spin. The brakes squeal but beside that it works fine.

The shooting of the GOP Representative dominates the evening news. I am not sure how we can stop the actions of a single crazy gunman? Last week I blogged that I have changed my opinion of gun control. I now think assault rifles should be banned and handguns severely restricted. But perhaps the best thing is for folks to be civil to one another. Buy your enemy a beer.

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