Monday, June 12, 2017

Sunday June 11, 2017

Blog time 1750 sitting in living room

Yes folks another nice day in West MI. The temp is presently 89. First time this year for the AC.

Today was a lazy day. Slept in until nearly seven. I did make a quick coffee run to Panera. Around 0900 we headed to Saugatuck. We were surprised at how light the traffic was. We assumed because the temp was heading to 90 that folks in large number would head to the beach.

We had breakfast this morning at the Pumpernickel in downtown Saugatuck. Even the popular Pumpnickel was not very crowded.

After breakfast we headed to the Antique Mall. This mall is huge and we spent several hours looking around. Debbie bought a number of items but Nancy and I struck out.

Quick lunch and then I took my mandatory Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I took a 2.67 mile walk. It was hot and I did not encounter much foot traffic.

Showered and headed to the living room to write this brief blog. Nancy is fixing lasagna for dinner. Tonight might be a Netflix evening.

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