Thursday, June 22, 2017

Wednesday June 21, 2017

Blog time 1850 sitting in den:

Sunrise 0603, Sunset 2124: 15h 21’ of daylight. Today is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year and official first day of Summer. This is good news, the bad news the days will now be getting shorter so winter can't be far away. Bummer.

Breakfast Club Wednesday so up at 0530. Left for downtown at 0615 in bright sunshine. We had a good turnout mainly because of new members. Today's speaker was from Manager for the local PBS station. Good talk especially about the impact of new technology on media.

After BC I headed to Woodland Mall. Had coffee at Starbucks while waiting for the Mall to open. I did not have much time to read the papers. Bought a charging cable for our iPads. Final stop was Meijer's to buy a bottle of anti-acid and Yogurt.

At home changed into bike clothes and took a nice gentle 12 mile ride. Great day for a ride, sun with temps in low 70s. I also took a walk around the block before lunch.

The Condo’s Property Management folks removed and replaced several wood deck boards.

I made a quick trip to Staples to buy another iPad cover. At home I installed the cover and found it was not what I wanted. Returned it later in the day.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said they were very busy.

Before dinner we took Ms P on walk. Everyday she seems to be getting better.

Light dinner and now we are watching the news on PBS.

I got our Acorn network back. High tech solution, I unplugged TV, Apple TV and cable box. Waited a minute before plugging back in. Every thing is fine, we watched a new show on Acorn.

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