Thursday, June 8, 2017

Wednesday June 7, 2017

Blog time 2120 sitting in den watching NBA BB game

Busy day today, starting with Breakfast Club. Up with alarm at 0530 leave home at 0630 and head downtown to the University Club in the 5/3 Bank building. Arrived early so took a walk around downtown. Who should I meet but the Assistant City Engineer, Rick DeVries. Rick is head of design for the city. Rick was my first hire back in 1978. At the time Rick had just gotten out of UM. He is a great engineer and glad to see him doing so well. We had a nice talk.

Nice turnout for Breakfast Club, I think the fact that the drive downtown was in bright sunshine helped. Today's speaker talked about Kent County's Mental Health programs. Very interesting and I was surprised that the County' mental health budget was $145,000,000.

During the meeting Nancy texted me that our power was out. After BC I headed home. No power but the Power Company was working on it and said power would be restored by 1100.

Changed into my bike clothes and headed to the Y. At Y did my routine at 50% except for the mile run. After a shower I headed home. Nancy is working at Meijer's this afternoon and after her shift we are both working the concert tonight. Tonight's performer is Diana Krall.

I drove Nancy to the Gardens for her afternoon shift. Back at home I did a load of laundry, took out the trash and a short nap.

Left home at 1615 for Meijer's. We started work at 1700 and worked until 1945. The concert started at 1930. It was a beautiful night for an outdoor concert. Temperature was in low 80 with sun and a bright blue sky. Nancy said the concert was not sold out but I thought it was. We watched until the intermission and then headed home.

No time to read newspapers today. I did get my 30' in today did you?

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