Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Tuesday June 27, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Swim day for Nancy so we got up early. After her swim Nancy is meeting Kathi Kothe for breakfast at Anna’s

It was sunny but cool today. Temperature was 49 when I left home. Halfway to the Y my cell goes off. It was my Dermatologist’s office saying that my Thursday appointment had to be rescheduled. I am going in today at 1300.

The Doctor’s appointment made me adjust my workout and reading schedule.

The strawberries in Alpena are ripe. Alpena is a big strawberry growing area. My Dad always said Alpena berries were the best because the cold nights bring out the sugars.

In my youth I had several friends who made good money picking straw berries. In fact the growers would rent school buses and pick up young pickers at their grade school. This, of course, was before strict enforcement of child labor laws.

Another over reach by the Health bureaucrats was the strict sanitation requirements for butter and egg farmers. We had our eggs and butter delivered by a small area farmer whose last name was Bartz. My mother would like the fresh eggs and butter. Most of the farmer’s were from Wolf Creek, a German Lutheran community near Alpena. We never had a problem. The imposition of the overly strict health requirements put these industrious farmers out of business.

Recent polls in Europe show that our President is not very popular. In fact the USA is losing its popularity. Memories in Europe are short. Don’t they remember the thousands of US Military buried in their countries. We saved their asses, twice.

Big Brother is happening now in China. Facial recognition cameras are everywhere. The Government is tracking you everywhere. It is especially disheartening when cameras are used in churches. The anti-church commies are worried about the increased popularity of Christian churches. Crosses have been removed and members of the party dare not show their face in church. I can’t help but feel that the commies efforts to control folks will soon create a backlash. Maybe even in my lifetime.

What about the proposed health care plan? If you listen to the news media the GOP is throwing out most old folks into street. The cost of health care is staggering. Something must be done. I hope cooler heads can reach an equitable solution.

Left Panera at 1145 and hurried home. Quick lunch and then drove to the Dermatologist’s office. The Dermatologist found two spots on my right arm that looked suspicious. She cut out these areas and sent to lab.

On way home stopped at bank to make a deposit. We have big bills coming due for our hotels in Gaylord and LA. Also airline tickets and rental cars. I am just glad that Nancy and I can travel.

Later in the afternoon we took Ms P on her walk. At 1800 we headed to Noto’s for the monthly get together of neighbors living in the three condo associations that make up Centennial Park. Good turn out and we had some interesting table companions. Noto’s has a new master chef and it tells, the food was great.

Quick read of the GRP and some TV before turning in. Another great June day.

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