Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sunday June 18, 2017

Weekend Update:

Blog time 1750 Sunday sitting at dining room table

It was raining Saturday morning so we got in the Escape and had breakfast at Anna’s.

For the first time I had baked oatmeal. It is also the last time.

After breakfast we headed to Kohl’s. I was looking for a carry-on suitcase. No luck.

I finally had a rainy day so I spent most of the morning in my office. I can't tell you what I did but I thought I had accomplished a lot.

I took several walks and a short bike ride. It was threatening rain all day but I did not get wet.

For dinner Nancy and I had pizza at JT’s. JT’s is becoming one of our favorite restaurants.

We watched some Netflix before turning in.

Saturday night we had some major thunderstorms roll through. The lightning was spectacular as was the thunder. It just poured. We were surprised that Ms P was not to perturbed.

Alarm goes off at 0630 and we get ready for the Y. Nancy swam and I did my calisthenics and run. On way home we stopped at Panera for coffee.

Trinity Lutheran is on their summer schedule so we attended their 1030 formal service in the Sanctuary. No brass band or coffee. It is Father’s Day so the Homily’s theme was about fathers.

We stopped at Meijer’s for supplies and gas. Gas was $2.34.

It was 1300 when we got home. Quick lunch and then a nap followed by 2.5 mile walk.

Our heat wave has ended. High temp today in mid 70s.

I talked to all our kids today. They called and wished me a happy Father’s Day. I appreciated it.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a BLT sandwich. I also had corn on the cob. Great summer meal.

Finish reading the GRP and then maybe some Netflix before turning in.

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