Sunday, June 4, 2017

Saturday June 3, 2017

Blog time 1500 sitting at dining room table.

The string of warm sunny days continues. The sun streaming through the slider woke us up this morning. We walked to Panera for our standard Saturday breakfast. We see the same crowd every Saturday. I think we can recognize 80% of the folks.

First thing after breakfast we all got in the Escape and headed to Pinky's an Antique mall on Alpine Ave. This mall looks small on the outside but is quite large inside. Good selection so we will return next week with Debbie.

Nancy dropped Ms P and me off at home and then headed to several nurseries. I put on my bike clothes and headed out on a ten mile run. We have not seen any deer in our neighborhood in several months but on today's ride I had two deer cross my path.

After the ride I showered, had lunch and started writing this blog. The London paper did not have any items I want to comment on.

The US Navy had some good management advise for young Ensigns. One piece of advise was that you always scolded in private and praised in public. I don't think our President ever got this advise. To scold the NATO members in public about their lack of effort to increase their military funding to NATO was out of line. However, an article in the WSJ stated that since 1983 NATO nations have reduced the number of planes, tank, ships and soldiers by over 50%. The message was correct but the delivery was wrong.

For dinner Nancy and I drove to Brann's. I had a bowl of soup and Nancy had a sandwich. We watched an episode of Shetland before turning in.

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