Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Tuesday May 30, 2017

Blog time 1135 at Panera

If you were born before 1971 May 30 was a single day holiday called Decoration Day. In 1971 Congress declared the last Monday in May as Memorial Day. Some hard core Vets still consider today the real Memorial Day. In fact GR is having a Memorial Day parade today.

Another beautiful day in GR. Woke up to bright sun shining through our slider.

Last night Nancy heard a noise on our deck. We turned on the deck light and saw a huge raccoon. It had gotten into the container where I store the bird seed. Today I moved the bird seed container to the garage.

Checked the Alpena and London papers this morning. Next week's UK election dominates. One article pointed out that PM May folks expect the opposition candidate to self destruct. It pointed out that Hillary Clinton thought the same thing. A word to the wise.

All the Doctors in the UK are employed by the Federal Health system. Last year the Junior Doctors went on strike creating a devastating problem for the system. I hope we never have socialized medicine in the USA.

Reported today the Trump's Communications Director, Mike Dubke, resigned. Mike who!

As soon as I got home we got in the Escape and ran errands. First stop Walmart to buy some fizzy water. Made a quick stop at Sam's Club but made no purchase. Costco was our final stop. Cheese, prunes, cheerios and peanut butter were purchased.

Quick lunch and then a nap. Nancy fixed a pork chop with a rhubarb sauce for dinner. Love the sauce.

Watched the news and then I took a walk around the block. We are now watching Bull on CBS. It was their first episode. We must have missed it.

Every day this Spring I was lucky enough to have met my 30 minutes outside goal. Did you?

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