Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Monday May 1, 2017

Blog time 1105 at Panera

May Day, a day of celebration for all the commies. Do they have anything to celebrate in 2017?

The rain was winding down when I went out at 0630. I took the weatherman at his word and put on my biking knickers and headed out at 0810. He was right I encountered no rain. But did I ever encounter large mud puddles. Every depression was filled with water and more rain is scheduled for this afternoon.

If the rain continues we might have a water problem in our basement. I noted minor leakage through a crack in the basement wall. This crack has been repaired in the past. Hope it holds!

The Y was crowded this morning. I did my calisthenics and took a short walk before heading out.

Checked my email and noted that my genealogy web site said they have found a connection between my Uncle Bill Hughes and another web site. I will check it out this afternoon after my Dentist appointment.

The London papers reported this morning that PM Theresa May and German PM Angela Merkel met with the Saudi King and both did not wear a head scarf. Way to go girls about time someone showed some backbone. Is using the word girls sexist! I just thought it was appropriate.

Left Panera early because I have an afternoon dentist appointment. Took Ms P on a very short walk and them a quick lunch.

At the dentist they cleaned my teeth and took X-rays. The X-rays revealed I have several cavities that need work. A late May appointment for corrective action was scheduled.

It was raining when I got home so I did what any retired man would do, I took a nap.

Light dinner and then I took a walk around the block. We watched Midsomer Murders on Netflix before turning in.

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