Friday, May 19, 2017

Thursday May 18, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Light rain moved through last night. Bright sun when headed out this morning with temp in high 60s. Had to stop halfway through my ride to shed a layer. High winds today, presently wind speed is 24 mph. Riding into any wind above 15 mph is not fun.

Interesting article this morning on China's ability to mine and burn flammable ice. The ice was located 4,000 below the surface of the South China Sea. It is loaded with methane. USA and other countries are also trying to exploit this resource.

You can tell it is only three weeks until the U.K. election because the politicians are all making outlandish promises.

There are sane folks in the President's cabinet. This morning Wilbur Ross the Commerce Secretary was on CNBC. He is soft spoken and seems well informed. His goals for reforms to our trade policies make sense.

Winds were over 30 mph when I left Panera. Luckily I had wind at my back. Took a quick walk around the block before lunch.

After lunch I ran errands. First stop Ace Hardware where I bought ant spray. We have a large infestation of ants in our patio.

Bought stamps at D&W and then headed to Woodland Mall. I want to purchase a blue summer cotton blazer. Looked at Macys, J Crew and several other stores, no luck. Nap before dinner. Nancy fixed a steak and ale pie with a baked potatoe for dinner.

Read the GRP and watched the evening news. We watched an episode of Dr Blake Mysteries. I am now watching Rake. Nancy went to bed early.

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