Thursday, May 18, 2017

Wednesday May 17, 2017

Blog time 0930 at Panera

A downside to warm weather, sprinklers. This morning I could not take Ms P out because the sprinklers were on. Neither of us wanted to get wet. Today I will call the Condo managers and ask if they can change the sprinkler schedule. The sprinklers in our back yard go off at 0500. Maybe they can reverse the schedule, front yard at 0500 and back yard at 0630.

Today is my easy day. I plan on having an oatmeal breakfast at Panera. The temperature at 0800 was 70 and the high temp today will be in the 80s. Love the warm weather. Today I needed only shorts, undershirt and long sleeve tee.

High winds this afternoon so I wanted to get my bike miles in early. I rode to Cascade Twp Park before heading to Panera, total miles 5.

Read the Alpena News and London papers. I think the novelty has worn off reading the London papers. They really aren't that different from major USA papers, politics and trash.

I scanned the WSJ and really have lost interest in business and politics.

After Panera I pedaled to Gander Mountain a sporting goods store that specializes in hunting and fishing. Gander Mountain is having a going out of business sale. Looking at their stock I can see why.

Took a long route home, total miles biked, 15. Walked around the block, showered and then had lunch.

Load of laundry and then a short nap. Spent the rest of the afternoon sweeping spider webs from the joists in our furnace room. Also swept the concrete slab below our deck. It was loaded with bird seed, spillage from our bird feeder on the deck above.

Is President Trump being honest with us on the firing of the FBI Director, and his meeting with the Russians. Some folks are talking impeachment. Why can't the Federal officials, bureaucrats and elected, play straight with the American people.

Light dinner, read GRP and watched news. Watched two episodes of Shetland on Netflix.

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