Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Monday May 22, 2017

Blog time 1140 at Panera

Slightly warmer this morning, low 50s, but high winds continue. Sprinklers block our front door when it is time to take Ms P out. I have been taking her downstairs and using our backyard. Today I will call the sprinkler company. I think I mentioned this on Friday.

With the leaves out I have to be careful near all drives. The heavy foliage blocks my view.

I think I will call the weather service and ask if we are experiencing especially high winds this Spring. It seems every day I have to buck winds with speeds greater than 15mph. Climate Change?

The London papers are still fixated on their election. PM May seems to be the favorite. The campaign is getting nasty. The USA is not the only country with nasty elections. The nice thing about the U.K. election is that it is over in weeks.

UK's Green Party has a platform of a guaranteed annual income for everyone, including millionaires. They also propose a four day work week, 30 hours per week. This is a sure way to financial ruin.

The U.K. is fascinated with the possibility of President Trump's impeachment. Lighten up folks it is not going to happen.

POTUS seems to have had a successful trip to Saudi Arabia. On same trip POTUS visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The first president to make this visit.

We have stock in Ford Motors and are disappointed that the price has stagnated. We both Drive Ford products, Taurus and Escape, and love them. Ford is thinking of getting rid of their CEO. Is this wise since Ford in recent years has been profitable? Mentioned as a possible replacement is Jim Hackett the past president of Steelcase in GR and recent Athletic Director at UM.

With all the fuss in Washington over Russia and the former FBI Director will Congress ever get an infrastructure bill or tax reform? Babbling idiots all!

Today I have an appointment with my Dentist. I arrived at 1430 and left two hours later. He removed an existing crown that was deteriorating. I now have a temporary crown and will get a new one in two weeks. Nancy warned me that crowns are not cheap. She was right.

Soft, mushy dinner tonight followed by the news and then Netflix. Are we predictable or what?

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