Thursday, May 18, 2017

Tuesday May 16, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Heavy rain and thunderstorms rolled through last night. The rain had stopped by the time I headed out. Difficult to know what to wear. It was 57 when I left but half way through my ride to the Y I had to shed a layer. Temps are rising quickly as soon as the sun breaks through. The weather folks say the temp will reach 85 this afternoon.

Scanned the Alpena News and London papers. The election still dominates the London news. No articles on the big hack. I was surprised.

This afternoon I will pick up my glasses from the Optometrist. I will use the glasses for driving only.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to the monthly get together of the three condo groups in our area. We are meeting at Noto's.

At home walked around the block and then a quick lunch. Picked up glasses at Optometrist. The glasses are slightly stronger than my natural eyes. They also should help with my double vision problem.

Showered and ironed several pair of khakis. Got a call from the watch repairman in WI. They can repair the Rolex. I want the watch in good shape for Stephen.

At 1800 we left for Noto's Restaurant which is about 0.5 miles from the condo. Accompanying us was our neighbor Sonya Ford. Noto's has a new chef and the food was great. The turnout was light. This is a nice affair and hope the turnout increases as the season progresses.

We got home about 2030. Watched an episode of Pie In Sky before turning in.

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