Thursday, May 11, 2017

Thursday May 11, 2017

Blog time 1640 sitting on deck

Rain last night but the sun returned this morning. Up at 0630, Nancy headed for her Tuesday swim at MVP. Quick breakfast and I hopped on the bike and headed to the Y. Pleasant morning for a ride. Noted in recent days some young geese. I think they are called goslings. The leaves are about 95% out.

Calisthenics and a mile run at the Y. Today I have a 1300 appointment with my dermatologist, Mary Yurko, so I have to leave Panera at 1200. Not time enough to get all my reading done.

The two London papers that I scan every morning are really lambasting the Labor candidate Jeremy Corbin. He seems universally disliked.

Comey's firing dominated the WSJ's reporting.

Whole Foods is in trouble. I have visited a Whole Foods store in Brentwood, Ca near Missy's condo. I always thought it was over rated.

I really don't know what Snapchat does but it earns a lot of news coverage. Should I download the app?

At 1200 I leave Panera and head home. Changed clothes and headed to Dr Yurko's office. She used liquid nitrogen to freeze a precancerous spot on my wrist.

At home we got in the Escape and headed to Costco. Nancy returned some swimsuits and I made a secret purchase.

It was such a nice afternoon, sun and 68, I pumped up the tires on my backup bike and took it for a ride. This bike has a nine speed internal hub. I rode around the neighborhood for about 40 minutes.

Light dinner and then I will read the GRP and finish the evening watching Netflix.

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