Sunday, May 21, 2017

Saturday May 20, 2017

Blog time 1430 sitting in living room watching it rain

Saturday morning cloudy and temps in high 40s. Rain starting about 1400.

Nancy and I walked to Panera for our traditional Saturday morning breakfast. We see the same folks every Saturday. Most are seniors who live in the area.

Strong east wind so we had to buck the wind on our way home. Nancy started doing laundry and I put on my knickers and headed out on a gentle bike ride. The trails this morning were crowded with hikers and bikers. I pedaled 14 miles.

Checked the Alpena and London papers. The London papers were all about the big wedding of Pippi Middleton. They did mention that the Trump women met the King of Saudi Arabia bare headed, following the lead of PM May. I liked Peggy Noonan' op-ed in the WSJ. She writes for the folk who wish we would all be civil and think!

Took a walk around the block and then some chores before a nap.

For dinner we headed to JT's Pizza for dinner. We were surprised that the place was not crowded. JT's has great pizza.

As soon as we got home I took another walk.

Debbie FaceTimed us and we got caught up. It was very hot, 90s, in San Jose and cold in GR.

Before turning in we watched an episode of Bosch on Amazon.

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