Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Tuesday May 2, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

The weather folks said it would rain all morning so I took their word and walked to the Y. Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday morning swim at MVP.

it was only misting on my walk but I walked into the teeth of a 22mph wind.

At the Y I did my calisthenics and then rowed. The rowing is my cardio for the day.

The upcoming election still dominates the U.K. news. Their campaigns are just like in the US, stupid pledges and noisy accusations against their opponents. Luckily their campaigns are very short.

I think the GOP is going against the popular concerns about a health care plan. First I think everyone should be required to have health insurance. I think all employers should provide health insurance to all employees working more than 20 hours. I think health insurance is important and I always provided my employees with insurance.

I wish POTUS would forget about that damn wall. There are other ways to enforce immigration than building that expensive ugly wall.

Is North Korea really a threat? It has nuclear weapons but we have so many more I would think it would be that alone is a major deterrent.

Speaking of nuclear weapons a London paper today had a story on a Russian legislator saying that Russia has planted nuclear bombs on the ocean floor near our shore. Detonation of these bombs would create a massive tsunami that would flood coastline cities. Seems like a pipe dream!

The rain had stopped when I left Panera. At home I called a Rolex repair shop in Wisconsin. He said that he can repair my Rolex. He is sending me a mailing package. This is good news. I love the watch and want Steve to have it.

Quick lunch and then I got in the Escape and headed to Woodland Mall. I visited the new Apple Store. It is nice. I am thinking of trading in my iPad and upgrading to a iPad Pro.

In January I purchased a fine pointed stylus at Brookstone. The fine point is electrical and can be recharged. It worked for about three days and then stopped. I took it in today and was given a new one no questions asked.

I took a short nap and now, 1750, I am finishing today's blog.

For dinner tonight we are finishing the lasagna from Saturday night's dinner.

Tonight we will watch the news and read the GRP. Tonight is also our CBS night. NCIS and Bull. I think both NCIS and Bull are suffering from writers fatigue.

The rain ends tonight. Low temp tonight will be in mid 30s but tomorrow will be sunny with high in the 60s. About time!

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