Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sunday May 14, 2017

Blog time 1715 sitting on deck.


And what a Mother's Day it was weatherwise. Sun with temps in the 70s.

I remember Nancy's first Mother's Day, 1966. Debbie was four months old and we planned on a picnic in San Francisco's Golden Gate park. We had nice sun but it was cold. We had to hurry through our picnic lunch.

We visited the zoo and the big attraction for Debbie were the pigeons. Oh the things one remembers.

First stop this morning was the Y. Nancy swam and I did a modified Calisthenics routine.

We made a quick stop at Panera for coffee before heading home. Changed clothes and headed to Trinity Lutheran. Nice thing about modern church is you can take coffee into the service. Very relaxed. Church was very crowded. Pastor gave a great Mother's Day Homily.

Stopped at Meijer's for supplies after church. At home put on shorts and took a two mile walk before lunch.

I did take my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I got on my bike and headed to the Cascade Twp park. Noted a lot of families having Mother's Day Picnics. Every picnic spot was taken.

Just fired up our grill for the first time this year. Nancy is grilling chicken burgers for dinner.

We will finish reading the GRP and watch 60' before switching to Netflix/Acorn.

Mother's Day 1938, Ossineke, Mi. Great Grandfather Sanborn said all three of his daughters sent flowers and food to GGM Sanborn. GGM and GRF Sanborn attended evening services at the Ossineke Methodist Church.

I scanned the news but why ruin a perfect Mother's Day by commenting on the machinations of the political class.

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