Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Tuesday May 23, 2017

Blog time 1134 at Panera

Nancy got up early this morning because she and friend Kathi are going Countryside Greenhouse to purchase flower baskets. Kathi picked Nancy up at 0730. Slight rain at 0730.

The weather was near 60 this morning so I decided I would ride my bike to the Y, rain or shine.

Put on my raincoat and headed out. Halfway through the 9 mile ride the sun came out. I stopped and took off the raincoat.

Bike ride time to the Y is a little over an hour. In addition it takes about 22 minutes to do my calisthenics at the Y.

Checked my email and I received a UM newsletter. I read an article by a UM GRAD saying what a great President JFK was especially because he did not listen to experts. For the first time ever I commented. Pointed out that President Kennedy made a terrible foreign mistake by sending troops to Vietnam. Having spent 1963 and 1964 in Vietnam I thought the US made a major mistake and JFK is too blame. I also mentioned the Bay of Pigs failed invasion. Not a shining hour for JFK or the CIA. Think anyone will comment!

The Manchester Arena bombing dominated the London papers. The victims were mostly teenagers.

Things are quiet in DC with POTUS out of the country. The proposed budget is getting a lot of flak. When are our legislators going to realize that we can't keep on spending without raising taxes or cutting programs. I still think a balanced budget amendment is a good idea.

Did not get home until 1300. Quick lunch and then headed downstairs and cleaned up my desk.

Took a short nap. It was raining so I put on my raincoat and walked to Macatawa Bank to make a deposit. Rain will continue for several days.

Dinner tonight was chicken with baked potato and green beans. Very good.

We read the GRP and watched season finales for NCIS and Bull.

Note that I will comment on articles in the Alpena News, London papers and WSJ but never the GRP. The GRP has become a nothing paper. We only get the paper to read the funny papers and obits. All of our local news come from local TV channels.

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