Saturday, May 6, 2017

Friday May 5, 2017

Blog time: unknown but at Panera

Finally no rain this morning but it was cold, 41. Ms P is not much better. I still carry her outside to do her bidness.

I put on lined jeans and several upper layers for my ride to the Y. Good move on my part because the wind made riding uncomfortable.

The Y does a great job providing exercise facilities for disabled folks. Most of the disabled have a therapist to help them.

I looked at the Alpena News and the London papers. BRexit and the upcoming U.K. and French elections dominate.

Morning Joe and Mika are engaged. I thought they were both married with kids. What happened to Monogamy? All men must live by a code. I think most codes include monogamy. Just read that both had recent divorces.

At home we got in Escape and headed to Costco. Nancy picked up a prescription and we replenished some supplies like peanut butter, sandwich rolls, and Cheerios. We also bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner.

Ms P is still hobbling on three legs so I took a solitary walk.

The rotisserie chicken hit the spot. Nancy also fixed several baked potatoes.

We watched Murder in Paradise on Netflix.

Our volume control on the TV was non responsive this evening. We solved the problem by unplugging all the components and then after a minute plugged them back in. It worked.

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