Saturday, May 27, 2017

Friday May 26, 2017

Blog time 1120 sitting at Panera

I am typing this blog on my new 12" iPad Pro. So far the Pro is great.

We woke up this morning with sun streaming in. Sunrise is 0600. Over 15 hours of daylight and we still have more than three weeks to the Summer Solstice.

Noted on my bike ride this morning that traffic was light. Have folks taken today off for a longer holiday weekend.

I looked at the London papers and cannot figure out if our President made a good impression meeting with European leaders? He was not making friends by asking NATO countries to pay their fair share but it had to be done.

Had to leave Panera early today so only scanned the papers. Congress has a lot of work to do but of course they are taking time off for the Holiday.

Despite the body slam the GOP candidate in Montana still won. The press is having a hissy fit.

Kim cleaned today and the house looks great.

Got home at 1200 and we all got in the Escape and headed to Tanger's outlet mall. Talbots's is having a sale. Nancy did purchase several items. I looked in several stores but found nothing I need.

Took a short nap and then at 1730 we headed to Bravo, an Italian restaurant, located at Knapp's corner. We met Karen and Hal Horlings. Great food and good conversation made the evening great.

We got home at 2100 and watched an episode of Pie in Sky before turning in.

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