Friday, May 26, 2017

Thursday May 25, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy bounced out of bed at 0630. Today she is swimming at MVP followed by a 1130 dentist appointment.

After breakfast I headed out for my bike ride to the Y. I thought it was dry but encountered a light mist. Went back inside and got my raincoat. Started out and the rain intensified so I changed my route and headed directly to the Y. Three mile ride instead of nine.

The Y is very friendly to young families. I talked to a women who had a young baby in a stroller. The baby was only five weeks old. She worked out on some machines and then she and the stroller ran laps on the indoor track. The entire Y is wheel chair and stroller accessible.

A US Navy Destroyer was patrolling in the South China Sea near the Spratley Islands. China made a protest to the USA that they were in their waters. Anyone who looks at a map would wonder how can China claim these islands. In fact a World Court has said that the islands do not belong to China. The islands were almost submerged until China used dredged fill to build them up. I think we were within our rights. Someone has to stand up to the 500# Gorilla.

Several stories on the Montana GOP candidate for the US House body slamming a reporter from the UK's Guardian. Almost sounds like the reporter wanted a confrontation.

Today is the 100th birthday of JFK. JFK was a very charismatic president but I seldom agreed on his policies.

This weekend in the U.K. is a bank holiday. Temperatures are expected to reach a record 90 degrees. GR IS expecting temps in the low 70s for our Memorial Day weekend. GR is 600 miles south of England.

Now that it has warmed up and women are baring their arms I am surprised at how many attractive women have huge tattoos on their arms. I think it unattractive.

Rain had stopped when I left Panera. Today I got two packages from UPS. The first was an order from LL Bean, blue khaki pants and sweatshirt and the second were supplies for my CPAC machine.

1400 I grabbed Ms P and headed to the Vet. Ms P is getting her annual kennel shot and a checkup. The Vet said Ms P has a torn ACL tendon. She must be kept quiet for several weeks. Also the Vet inspected a scab on her chest. The scab was non cancerous. She gave us two prescriptions for medication. Pain pills and an antibiotic. The bad news is Ms P must lose some weight. No cheese or people food, bummer.

Finished my outdoor activities with a three mile walk.

I got a call from the Apple Store in Woodland Mall that they had my new iPad. Left at 1800 for the store. The staff copied my files from the iPad to the new iPad Pro.

We watched several shows on Netflix before turning in.

I had a light dinner and then read the GRP and watched an episode of Dr Blake Mysteries on Netflix. Nancy's foot has been bothering her so she took a pill and went to bed early. I watched an episode of Wild North.

I called Debbie and she ordered an iPad Pro, 12.7" for me.

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