Saturday, May 6, 2017

Thursday May 4, 2017

Blog time 0830 at Panera

The alarm goes off at 0600. Today I have a 0930 Optometrist appointment so I have rearranged my schedule.

Quick breakfast and then I got in the Escape and headed to Panera. I will get my reading in early. Plan on going to the Y after the eye doctor.

London papers were full of stories on Prince Philip and his retirement.

Immigration is a big issue in the US and EU. In Japan it is nearly impossible for an immigrant to get a permit. 99% of applications for refugee status are denied.

Dr Anderson, my Optometrist, gave me my after cataract surgery checkup. The surgery was a success. My right eye checks out with vision greater than 20/20. The left eye was right at 20/20. The Doctor has prescribed glasses for driving that will eliminate any double vision.

After the Doctor I stopped at the Y and did my calisthenics and also a 2K row.

Ms P is still hobbling on three legs, so no walk today. I did take a 2 mile walk.

For dinner tonight we are joining the Moleski's at Flo's on Post Road. We left at 1530 and headed to Moleski's. Tom drove the four of us to the restaurant.

We got there early because Happy Hour ends at 1700. Flo's was crowded. Tom, Linda and I had a Burger and Nancy had a small pizza. The food and drinks were great.

At home we watched two episodes of Shetland on Netflix. We liked it.

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