Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Monday May 8, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Bright sun this morning but was it cold, 30. I wore lined jeans and my Under Armor cold weather compression turtle neck. I was still cold on the ride to the Y.

Calisthenics and mile run this morning at the Y. The Y was not crowded. Are we experiencing an over abundance of Health Clubs in GR?

The Y has a new scale with an attachment to measure height. I continue to shrink. I am now 5' 6 1/2" tall. The Navy measured me at 5'8".

I did check the Alpena News and London papers. The London papers has several stories on the French election and the upcoming election in the U.K. I think the news folks are spending way too much time on the age of President elect Macron's wife. Is this important? She looks good to me.

Warren Buffet said that the proposed GOP Health Plan is written to benefit rich folks like him. What about the tax laws Warren? I want no tax breaks for rich folks. Eliminate all deductions except for kids.

Why can't the politicians write a simple plan. The Kaiser Plan in CA gets good reviews. I really don't want the Feds controlling any Plan. Just read the London papers to learn about the problems the U.K. has with their Government Health plan.

I had a simple task for the afternoon. I was going to clean the trap below the master bath sink. The drain is sluggish. Turned the water off to the sink and then cleaned the trap. I could remove trap without needing a wrench.

Hooked everything back up, turned on the water and only a dribble came out. Took everything apart again but still no water. Looked at several YouTube videos but no solution to my problem. Concluded I need a plumber. A wasted afternoon.

Nancy had more dental work this afternoon. She had a 1500 appointment. She was not home by 1800 so I called the dentist. They told me they were just finishing up and everything went well.

Simple dinner and then to relieve my frustrations I took a two mile walk. We watched a episode of Shetland on Netflix before turning in.

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