Thursday, May 11, 2017

Wednesday May 10, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Alarm goes off at 0530 and I get ready for Breakfast Club. We are now meeting at the University Club in downtown GR. Despite being further than our old meeting place, the Women's City Club, it is easier to get to. Parking is a breeze. We had a small turnout. A history professor from GVSU talked about the Korean Peninsula. Great talk!

One fact the speaker noted was that young men in South Korea were 10" taller than their counterparts in the North. The reason is diet.

After BC I stopped at the Fulton Street Farmers Market and bought several pounds of rhubarb. First rhubarb of the year. Nancy makes a great sauce.

Next stopped at Trader Joe's and bought several bottles of Nancy's favorite wine. It will be a Mothers Day gift.

At Macatawa Bank I got in our security box and pulled out some jewelry for Nancy. She will wear it tonight at the Meijer's Garden Gala event.

Final stop was the Tailor shop to pick up my favorite leather vest. They had reattached the vest buttons.

The London papers had several articles on our President firing the FBI Director. I swear the Brits are more interested in US politics than we are.

At home I changed into my bike riding clothes and headed to Panera.

The election talk in the U.K. is heating up. The Labor party is not given much chance of winning. I can see why because they are pursuing policies like nationalization of heavy industry that have failed in the past.

I know St Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland but apparently not Britain. Article yesterday of an adder biting a hiker causing severe injuries. He lost use of his muscles for several hours.

After Panera I biked to the Cascade Twp Park at the Thornapple Dr/I 96 intersection. I needed to get some hill climb activity.

I did a load of laundry and ironed gray slacks for tonight. Short nap.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She got home at 1630 and we got ready for the Gala at Meijer's this evening.

Picked up Kathi Kothe and arrived at the Gardens right on time, 1800. The event was divided into a silent auction before dinner and a live auction after dinner. Several years ago we placed a bid during the live auction on an African safari. We won.

This year you placed a bid for a silent auction item by using an app on you mobile. It really was slick except they forgot that most participants were seniors and not tech savvy. The only silent auction I bid on was a bottle of wine. I paid for the wine using Apple Pay. Isn't tech great.

We had steak and pork with asparagus for dinner. I thought it was good but Nancy did not.

We got home about 2130. No TV tonight we headed directly to bed.

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