Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday May 9, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up early this morning, 0615, the sun was shining bright when I took Ms P out. Minor frost last night.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.

I will call the plumber after 0800 so no Y today. I did my normal calisthenics and a 2K row at home. Showered and called the plumber. He said that he will call me when he can schedule me in.

Got on my bike and took a new route to Panera. I headed south on Thornapple River Dr and climbed the hills immediately north of the Cascade Park entranced. Turned around in the park entrance and retraced my path to the condo and then to Panera. Total distance about five miles.

Read the Alpena News and London paper headlines. The most interesting article was of a massive police helicopter search for a man alleged to have had sex with a cow. The English love these stories.

South Korea elected a new leader, Moon Jae-in. He is different from past right wing leaders. He is liberal and wants a dialogue with the North. Dialogue is always good. He also has reservations about the USA installing missile defense system in South Korea.

A disturbing story about the jailing of the Christian Governor of Jakarta for blasphemy. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world and in the past has been tolerant of other religions.

At 1000 I got a call from the plumber saying he would stop by at 1100. I planned on leaving Panera at 1045. 1030 I get call from Nancy that the plumber had arrived. Got on the bike and headed home. When I arrived he was gone. He fixed our problem by removing a screen over the faucet. Took less than five minutes and cost $95. Why didn't I look at the screen? Expensive mistake.

Biked back to Panera and continued reading. Why all the wasted energy on General Flynn? He was fired and is ancient history. Why not work on an infrastructure plan.

This afternoon I was scheduled to work with one of the condo board members inspecting decks and walls. He called and cancelled.

After lunch I got in the Escape and ran errands. Stopped at Curtis Cleaner and picked up winter coats. I forgot how expensive dry cleaning is.

Next stop Meijer's to purchase distilled water for my CPAC machine. Also bought ginger ale, Vernors of course, tonic water and club soda.

Took a short walk around the block. The temp was 64 or twice as warm as this morning. Ended the afternoon with a short nap.

Nancy fixed a chicken salad for dinner, also corn on the cob. Great meal.

We are now watching NCIS. Early bedtime because Breakfast Club tomorrow.

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