Sunday, April 30, 2017

Saturday April 29, 2017

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room.

We are back to normal. Despite the low temp Nancy and Bob walked to Panera for breakfast.

Most of our neighbors are back from the south. They were all at Panera having breakfast.

After breakfast I got in the Escape and drove to Great Harvest Bread. Bought a loaf of fresh whole grain bread for tonight's dinner.

I took Ms P on a walk around the block followed by a twelve mile bike ride. Passed several Township ball parks and they were all full of youth ball teams.

I did some cleanup chores before taking a nap.

Nancy has everything under control. I did open several bottles of wine.

Guests started arriving at 1745. Total of seven folks at tonight's get together. Five retired teachers and an optometrist and civil engineer.

Nancy's lasagna was great. We had a nice evening. The guests headed home about 2200.

We did the dishes and then headed to bed. A great spring day.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Friday April 28, 2017

Blog time 1055 at Panera

What a difference a day makes. Temperature was 41 when I headed out this morning. Despite the temp I still wore my knickers. My exposed lower leg can handle temps above 35. My upper body needs layers. In fact I will only wear a single upper layer when temps are above 75. Because of concern about sun damage I wear long sleeves all year, no matter what the temp. Does anyone really care?

Observations this morning: At one school bus stop five parents were waiting for the bus with their kids. All parents were men. 50% of parents at the Ys pre school programs are men. Times have changed.

The Alpena News and London papers did not have any news that I wanted to comment on.

Nancy is working hard on Saturday's dinner. She made the lasagna yesterday. Today at noon we are making shopping trips to Costco and Trader Joe's for more supplies.

Kim is right now cleaning the condo. I hope the landscape folks cut the grass. It is getting long.

Called Landscape folks and they do not start cutting until the first week in May. Bummer!

We made our run to the stores. Trader Joe's was crowded but they get folks in and out efficiently. Bought wine and some TV meals for me.

At Costco we purchased paper products, vitamins and prunes for me. Costco was also crowded.

We also stopped at a card store to get a First Communion card for Granddaughter Alessandra.

Speaking of Granddaughters Missy called and said she and Akerke had a great time in Hawaii. Akerke loved snorkeling.

This afternoon I took Ms P on a long walk. I also drove to Lowe's and bought two more bags of mulch. Finished spreading the mulch along the basement retaining wall. I am now done with yard work.

For dinner we drove to Sundance and had their ham-d-scram. It hit the spot.

Watched some Netflix before turning in.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Thursday April 27, 2017

Blog time1115 at Panera

Heavy thunder storms rolled through last night. At first light I went out and determined the rain was over. The temp was in 60s when I headed out this morning. Wind speeds were in mid 20s. I almost got blown off the bike several times. I think all our recent high winds are a result of climate change.

It took me 60 minutes to get to the Y on my new route. Perfect!

Calisthenics this morning at 90%. On Monday I will be back to 100%.

Not much in the "News" this morning. The EU is telling the Hungarian PM that his authoritative government does not meet EU standards. What really does that mean?

Speaking of the EU it looks like Turkey's Erdogan is really not that interested in becoming a member. I think the passage of the new constitution giving him more power might be the reason.

From the "Why didn't I know this" category. I alway thought that black soldiers during WW II were in non combat roles, such as truck driving. This morning I read that General Patton had two tank groups that were all black. They performed well under treacherous combat situations.

The temp had dropped 10 degrees when I left Panera. At home I took Ms P on her daily walk.

Quick lunch and then I spent about an hour ironing khakis. The khakis were in a duffel bag that I had forgot about. I will never have to buy another pair.

I had two bags of mulch left so I spread than along the side of the condo. Tomorrow I will purchase four more bags. I think that should complete my spring gardening chores.

I took a short nap. For dinner tonight we headed to Shepard's Grill. I had the Lake Perch sandwich and Nancy a bowl of chicken rice soup. Shepard's was very crowded.

We watched an episode of Bosch on Amazon.

Temps will fall to mid 40s tonight.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Wednesday April 26, 2017

Blog time 1124 at Panera.

Alarm goes off at 0530. Today I have Breakfast Club. BC starts at 0700. We are meeting at the University Club on the 10th floor of the 5/3 Building. I am unfamiliar with University Club so I will leave plenty of time to find parking, etc.

Left at 0630 and the sun was just coming up. I forgot folks don't go downtown early so finding a parking place was a breeze.

We had a good turnout this morning and most folks were impressed with the facility. In fact we voted to make the U Club our new permanent home. I was given a parking card so exiting the parking garage was easy and free.

On my way home I stopped at the Fulton Street Farmer's Market to buy some rhubarb. The place was empty. Too early for rhubarb.

Next stop was Lowe's to buy four more bags of mulch. At home changed into my knickers and pedaled to Panera.

This afternoon I will finish spreading the mulch and do a load of laundry.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

The upcoming election and BRexit still dominates the U.K. news. The WSJ is awaiting today's proposed tax plan by the Trump administration. I heard the news conference this afternoon that outlined the proposed plan. The plan includes several items that will be difficult to get approval. The deduction of local property taxes will not be allowed. The folks in high property tax states will fight to keep this deduction

As soon as I got home I started spreading mulch. It took two bags of mulch to complete the courtyard. I wanted the courtyard completed before our Saturday party. The temperature reached 80 this afternoon.

I also did a load of laundry. After these chores I took a shower and then a short nap.

Ms P and I did take a short walk. Washed the basement slider windows and spent some time checking my finances.

We had a light dinner and watched the news. Finished my outdoor activities with a walk around the block.

We watched Pie in the Sky on Netflix. Actually Nancy watched because I slept through most of the show.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tuesday April 25, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Another great spring day. Went out at 0645 and the sun was shining bright with temp at 50. It is now, 1130, at 66. Perfect day.

Every fruit tree is in bloom and the lilac bushes are starting to bloom.

Nancy has major dental work this morning. This afternoon the foot doctor is looking at her foot.

I took my hill climbing route to the Y. Hill climbing on the bike is replacing my mile run.

The upcoming election in the U.K. dominates their news. However, they did report that the Chinese Government is banning Muslim names in several Muslim majority provinces. Talk about micro managing. I would resent any government telling me what I can name by kid.

Speaking of ruthless government actions, the head of the Chechen Republic in Russia is jailing gays and lesbians. Torture and beatings are alleged. Putin allows these human rights abuses to occur in his country?

A female reporter in the U.K. said that if the Tories win as expected the House of Commons will be "Pale, Male and Stale". Spoken as a true feminist.

This afternoon I stopped at Orvis and ordered a pair of short from the catalogue. If the order is placed at an Orvis store shipping is free.

Next I stopped at Lowe's and bought three bags of cypress mulch.

Quick lunch and walked around the block. Spent the next two hours spreading mulch. I forgot how strenuous yard work is. After this activity I showered and shaved.

Nancy had a 1530 foot doctor appointment. She did not get home until after 1800.

For dinner we had pork chop cooked in the crock pot. Very tasty.

Watched NCIS and Bull before turning in. I set the alarm for 0530. Have Breakfast Club tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Monday April 24, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Bright sun when I first went out this morning. Temperature was in low 40s. Despite the 40 temp I decided that it is time to start wearing my knickers. I was right because I had little discomfort on my bike ride to the Y.

This morning Nancy is taking a class at MVP followed by a physical therapy session. I think she is feeling better.

Calisthenics only at the Y today. I am using my bike ride as my only aerobics.

For the past several weeks Nancy has had a cough and runny nose. I developed a runny nose and cough in the last week. I just read an article that says because of our wet spring GR is experiencing one of the worst allergy season in years. I think that Bob and Nancy do not have colds but instead allergies.

Yesterday's election in France was the headline story in the London papers. For once the polls were right. It looks like France will have a business friendly leader. LePen is not given much chance in the run off election. The EU leaders are probably breathing easier.

I did read the WSJ but found nothing I want to comment on. In fact with the nice weather I want to enjoy being outside and forget about the business and political world.

Speaking of politics Nancy and I completed and mailed our ballots for the proposed school mileage. We always vote. My participation rate is almost 100%.

At home I took Ms P on our nature walk and then started chores.

Put another leaf in the dining room table and brought up more chairs. The table is now ready for our Saturday party.

Cleaned the main floor wood deck and the basement concrete pad below the deck.

Bel Aire Heating and Cooling did a maintenance check on our AC.

Light dinner and then we watched the news.

Took a short walk and then watched Pie in the Sky on Acorn. Good show!

Nancy went to bed early so I watched another episode of Rake before turning in.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday April 23, 2017

Blog time 1745 sitting on deck writing this blog.

The alarm goes off at 0630. We get up and head to the Y. Nancy went swimming and I did some calisthenics and a short walk.

Stopped at Panera for a coffee to go. Dropped off our workout clothes and then headed out to Trinity Lutheran for their 1000 Celebration Service. I was surprised that they had such good attendance.

Bright sunshine when we left Trinity. Stopped at Meijer's for supplies. We needed extra supplies because on Saturday we are having five folks over for dinner.

Filled the Escape up. Gas was $2.64 per gallons.

At home I tried to take Ms P on a walk but she refused. I took a two mile walk.

Had lunch and read a few sections of the GRP before taking my Sunday nap.

The temperature got up to 68 this afternoon with bright sun. A perfect spring day.

Walked to the mail box to send my sister a check. She attended a funeral in Alpena for a family friend. We both participated in a Memorial.

Hot dogs and soup for dinner tonight. Will finish reading the GRP and watch 60 Minutes before switching to Netflix.

Saturday April 22, 2017

Blog time 1055 at Panera.

Set the alarm for 0630 this morning. Today I am attending a Men's Breakfast at Trinity Lutheran. The event was well attended. I actually knew several men in attendance. Basic breakfast buffet food. Short bible lesson and then a seminar on the church's program to shelter homeless families. I learned at lot.

It was in the mid 30s when I left home this morning. It is now 55 with high today in mid 60s. At this time of year the sun has warmth to it and temps rise rapidly after sunrise.

Folks visiting GR should be impressed with all the flowers and fruit trees in bloom. A really great time of year.

Panera is now beginning to fill with youth soccer and ball teams having a bite after their morning games.

Happy Earth Day! Today is also the 79th birthday of this blogger. I remember another Saturday birthday in 1972. I had a big project in Kentwood and had to do some layout work for a contractor so he could begin work on Monday. It was a typical cold windy spring day. I really pushed the guys because I wanted to get home early because tonight Nancy and the girls were taking me out to dinner at Savory Street at least I think that was the restaurant's name.
I got home in time to shower and get dressed before we headed out. It was a great birthday dinner. Oh the things I remember.

Nancy did some yard work today. She said we were out of yard waste bags. We all got in the Escape and headed to Lowe's. Lowe's was jammed with folks taking advantage of the nice day to get some yard work done. We were going to buy some mulch and yard waste bags but decided to come back Monday. We did stop at Ace and I bought the yard waste bags and a pair of safety glasses.

Took Ms P on a nice walk. Completed washing outside windows and filled a yard waste bag. Finished the afternoon with a nap.

At 1800 we headed out to Shariz a local Persian restaurant. Nancy took me out to celebrate my birthday. I had the lamb shank and Nancy had a Persian chicken dish. Great birthday dinner.

Debbie FaceTimed me from San Jose and Missy from Hawaii. They both wished me a Happy birthday.

Steve called me with birthday wishes. Steve has a great story of an occurrence on a family walk in Malibu. It is a really great story.

We watched an episode of Death in Paradise before turning in.

On this date in 1938 GGF Sanborn said it was cold and windy in Ossineke. GGF spent the day hauling leaves and cleaning his chicken coop. GGF also noted that Robert Hughes Scott was born in Alpena.

Friday April 21, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Happy birthday cousin Betty. Today is Betty's 80th birthday. Betty is one year and a day older than yours truly.

This blog is number 2,600. I started writing in 2008.

Walked out this morning with Ms P and got blown away. Wind speeds were around 20 mph.

I really layered up for my 7.5 mile bike ride to the Y. Performed calisthenics and a short walk at the Y.

UK's PM is getting some heat for not having a TV debate. The papers said that if free wheeling debates are standard in the USA they should also be in the U.K. Good grief the U.K. using the USA as a role model!

President Trump took some heat for commenting on the terror attack in Paris. He seemed to be supporting Marine Le Pen. POTUS should take care of business at home. How about an infrastructure bill and a tax plan.

I think corporate taxes should be no more than 10%, but based on gross income with no deductions.

Folks making more than $1,000,000 should pay a minimum 35% again with no deductions.

I also like a national sales tax, eliminating income tax for folks making less than $100,000.

The wind continues. At home I took Ms P on a nice long walk. She seemed to enjoy being out.

After lunch I started cleaning windows. I started washing all the main floor windows. First I did the inside windows. I also washed the outside of the three main floor sliders. No ladder needed.

Took a short.

Nancy fixed a big juicy hamburger for dinner. Also had a bowl of black bean soup.

We watched a new episode of Death in Paradise. We love this show. Finished the evening with an episode of Dr Blake Mysteries.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Thursday April 20, 2017

Blog time 1030 at Panera.

We had heavy electrical storms roll through early this morning. Woke up early 0545 and got an early start on my day.

The electrical storms prevented me from walking or biking to the Y. I drove. I did the calisthenics, 80%. For aerobics I rowed 2k.

Ms P is scheduled for a hair cut this morning but Nancy is reluctant to take her if it is still thundering. She goes bonkers when she hears thunder.

I have a 1300 appointment with my Ocular Neurologist. I hope he takes me off the steroids.

My sister, Helen, just texted me and said that Betty Johnston of Alpena passed yesterday. She was 97 years old. The Johnson's lived down the street from us. Janis Johnson, the oldest of six, was a good friend of Helen's. Betty owned a women's clothing store and was still working as late as February. Interesting both Betty and her husband Fred died on April 19.

The upcoming election in the U.K. dominates the news and I suspect will until Election Day, June 8. Don't you wish the USA elections would only last eight weeks?

It was still raining when I left Panera. Quick lunch and then headed out for my appointment with the Neurologist. He checked me over and said my eyes looked normal. He still wants me to gradually reduce my dosage of steroids. It will take about eight weeks to ween the body from steroids.

Stopped the Meijer's to pick up a prescription.

Quick nap and then took a two mile walk.

Light dinner, watched the news and read the GRP. We watched Raylan Givens on Netflix followed by Rake.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Wednesday April 19, 2017

Blog time 0855 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday. Up at 0630, dressed and drove to Panera. I had my standard oatmeal breakfast. Busy day today, at 1000 I see my Dermatologist at 1300 I see the ENT Doctor. This evening Nancy and I are having dinner with Mary Namey and her Daughter in law. Mary is in town for several days. Mainly to get some warm weather clothes and check on her condo. She seems to be doing ok with her cancer treatment in VA.

Yesterday would have been Ed Namey's 79th birthday. It must be a sad day for Mary.

PM May in the U.K. has dominated the news with her recent decision for snap elections.

My appointment with the Dermatologist meant I had to leave Panera without finishing my reading. It is not the end of the world.

The Dermatologist's waiting was crowded with old folks. Dr Yurko checked me over and cut off what appeared to be an infected area. The infected skin will be sent to the lab. Results in about five days. Except of this one small area the rest of me was ok.

Headed home for lunch. Left home at 1230 for an appointment with my ENT Doctor. In March the Doctor noted a small polyp in my nose. He checked today and the polyp was gone. It must have been the steroids.

I did take a short nap. Ms P and I started out for a walk when it started to rain. End of walk.

Tonight we met Mary Namey and her Daughter in Law Mary at Houlihan's.

Dinner was great. Mary looked better today than the last time we saw her. All her treatments are on schedule. We had a pleasant time. Her Daughter in Law is a gem. Mary is lucky.

At home we watched an Elmore Leonard show on Amazon. It was called Raylan Givens.

Today for the first time this year we had our grass cut. The lawn looks good.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Tuesday April 18, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Sunrise today was 0650 and a beautiful sunrise it was. The temp was in the low 40s this morning but will reach 70 this afternoon.

I still have problems figuring out what to wear when I start out in the mornings. Today I layered up and it was the right move. The strong wind made riding uncomfortable. It is 7.5 miles from the condo to the Y. It takes me 54 minutes. This morning I was almost hit by an old lady driving a big Buick. She failed to stop at a stop sign. She received an extended digit. Can not be too careful.

The Y was not busy today. Has membership growth stalled?

The London paper all were reporting on PM May's call for a special election in June. She seems a very savvy politician.

Big election coming up this Sunday in France. Pundits say Marine LePen will win but lose in the May 7 runoff.

Temperature was 70 when I left Panera, 1230. Nancy headed out early for a dentist appointment.

Took Ms P on a long walk. She tired after one mile.

Quick lunch and then a nap. Nancy texted me this afternoon and said she was waiting to see our GP. His office is near the dentists. I was glad because her cold does not see to be getting better.

Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. Showered and shaved before dinner.

The GP told Nancy the worst is over but complete recovery is at least a week off.

For dinner we had chicken noodle soup. It was great.

Read the GRP, watched the news and then our normal Tuesday night viewing, NCIS and Bull.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Monday April 17, 2017

Blog time 1055 at Panera

Happy Birthday Alessandra Scott. Today is Grand Daughter Alessandra's eight birthday. Hope she has a great day.

Today is also the birthday of Alessandra's Great Grandfather Robert Scott. GGF Scott would be 111 today.

Woke up this morning to bright sunshine. On these days I have trouble figuring out what to wear. I erred on the side of caution. I layered up and this was a mistake. Tomorrow I will wear my knickers.

I have lowered my dose of steroids from 25mg to 5mg. I can tell the difference. At 25mg I could climb hills on my bike route with no problem. Now I struggle to reach the top. Yes indeed steroid are performance enhancers. At least that is my observation.

Flowers are in full bloom and in several days the leaves will also be out.

The London papers must have taken Easter weekend off. Not much to report on.

Blog resumes at 1715, sitting on deck drinking wine

The WSJ was short on interesting articles today. I did read about Erdogan's win inTurkey. This win give Erdogan more power.

I always read stories about the political problems in Brazil and Venezuela. I hope we do not have the level of corruption by our elected officials as experienced in these two countries.

I took Ms P on a short walk. She did not fight me so tomorrow I will resume our normal walks.

Quick lunch and then some chores. Scheduled a visit by our heating and cooling company for next week. This is the annual checkup of our AC unit.

Called a watch repair clearing house to see if I can find a Rolex repair house within 50 miles of GR.

As mentioned earlier, today would be my father's 111 birthday. Called my Sister, Helen, and we talked about Dad. Helen is back in Gaylord, MI.

I did manage to sandwich in a quick nap. Finished the outdoor activities with a two mile walk.

Sitting on the deck near our bird feeder I have noted several small birds that I am unfamiliar with. Think I will buy a "Birds of Michigan" book or maybe I can get one for my iPhone.

Nancy is still under the weather. She has been resting and drinking plenty of fluids.

Light dinner, the news and then maybe a Netflix show. I like the new season of Rake.

We will try to FaceTime Alessandra later to wish her a Happy Birthday.
Today was the running of the Boston Marathon. In 1975 and 1977 your Blogger ran in this event. It was a great experience. My times were around 3h30' which is not great but ok for an amateur. Great ego trip.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Sunday April 16, 2017

Easter Sunday 2017,

Blog time 1545 sitting at dining room table.

The alarm goes off at 0630. Rain again last night and it was misting this morning.

Quick breakfast and then we head out to the 0800 Easter Service at Trinity Lutheran. Today we attended the special service in the main sanctuary.

The church was crowded and the Pastors were in fine voice. Organ music and a brass section made for a special service.

After church we stopped at Meijer's to buy yogurt and a plant. Nancy is taking the plant to her friend Kathi Kothe this afternoon. Kathi has invited us over for Easter dinner.

Nancy still has not conquered her cold. She took a long nap. She usually never naps.

I took a two mile walk in a light mist and then a nap.

Easter Sunday 1938, was on the 17th (my Dad's birthday and also Grand Daughter Alessandra) Great Grandfather noted that it was warm with several showers. The suckers were running in Devil's Creek. GGF Sanborn mentioned they had dinner in Harrisville. Over fifty folks attended the evening Easter Service at the Ossineke Methodist church. The collection was $12.

Life was good in 1938.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Saturday April 15, 2017

Blog time 0925 at Panera

Heavy thunder storms rolled through early this morning. The storms did not last long because at 0700 the sun was coming up and the temperature was in mid 50s. High temps today will be in mid 70s.

Nancy is still under the weather so she did not come with me to Panera. I had my standard fare.

Neither the London papers or Alpena News had anything of interest. I did read a review of Alex Baldwin's new book. I concluded that I really dislike this man.

I am disappointed at the "The Telegraph" section of Apple News. They have recently put a block on some interesting articles. You need a subscription. Bummer!

One thing I like about our POTUS is his ability to let the military make field decisions. My Navy friends were always complaining out how the Obama administration micro managed military actions. What does Susan Rice know about field decisions? The same criticism was made of LBJ during Vietnam. American troops under heavy fire would call for off shore Navy Destroyers to provide fire support. The destroyers had to get permission from Washington. It could take hours and in the meantime the Army would take heavy casualties.

Blog resumes at 1700, sitting on deck in shorts, drinking Irish whiskey and ginger. Temp is 81. Yes folks 81. Warmest day of the year.

As soon as I got home from Panera I started chores.

First was a cheek swap for my DNA test. Drove to D&W to mail the SAMPLE to the lab.

Second task was cleaning the garage. Removed all the stuff that was not nailed down and gave the garage a good sweeping. This is a semi annual event.

I also gave our kitchen deck a good sweeping.

Brought up our deck chairs and umbrella. Cleaned off the table so we can use it today.

In between I took a short nap and a walk around the block.

Nancy has just joined me on the deck. I poured her a glass of wine. We have waited over six months for a day like today.

Nancy and Missy FaceTimed this afternoon. Everything is ok in LA.

Nancy is fixing Tamales for dinner.

On this date in 1938, Ossineke, MI, Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that it was Good Friday. He raked and burned leaves in the morning and made two trips to Alpena with furniture for my Uncle Jim Scott.

I just got an email from Netflix that a new season of Rake is available. I love this show. Maybe we will watch tonight.

Friday April 14, 2017

Blog time 1135 at Panera

Bright sun this morning but temps in low 40s with high east wind. I did layer up because of the wind. Took the 7.5 mile route to Y.

Stock market is closed today so the cable business shows are running fluff. It was also a slow news day for the London papers.

The U.K. has the same problems with drugs, health care and social services that the USA does. I think their problems might be more severe than ours.

Of course Putin has a father of all bombs (FOAB) that is four time larger than ours. This sounds like boys saying mine is bigger than yours!

Big election in Turkey this Sunday. If the referendum passes Erdogan will have more power. Poll show the election is a toss up.

I guess the Bellagio had a big fire last night. It closed the strip.

Remembering Good Friday in my youth.

My Grandmother Scott always said you plant your peas on Good Friday.

Our spring break in Alpena consisted of no school on Good Friday and the following Monday. That was it.

The Downtown stores were closed from 1200 to 1500 so folks could go to church.

Headed straight home after Panera. Tried to take Ms P on a walk but she would not oblige me. She has been very lethargic lately.

Spent some time going through the family documents. I took them out to work on the while I was recovering from the recent surgery. Of course I never accomplished my goal.

I got my DNA kit from My Heritage yesterday. Read the instructions and all they need is a simple cheek swap. Tomorrow.

Nancy is still under the weather so for dinner I drove to Panera for soup. Chicken noodle for Nancy and clam chowder for me. It was tasty.

We watched two episodes of an Australian crime show, The Doctor Blake Mysteries. Good show.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Thursday April 13, 2017

Blog time 1200 at Panera

I don't need glasses to drive or for most activities. However, I do need reading glasses. I am learning to always carry a pair.

It was raining when I first went outside this morning. No bike today because of braking problems on wet pavement.

Nancy has a bad sore throat so she is taking it easy today.

I put on my rain gear and walked to the Y. Did my calisthenics, 40%, and rowed five minutes.

My neurologist called this morning and said I should continue taking the low dose of steroids. I have an appointment with him next week and will get more details.

The London papers had articles on hacking of the British Foreign Office by Russia. The former head of MI6 claims that POTUS borrowed money from Russia during the 2008 downturn. How do they know? James Bond is retired.

Are all Brazilian politicians on the take?

I still don't know what net neutrality is?

At home quick lunch and then errands.

Stopped at Macatawa Bank and got money for Kim. She is cleaning tomorrow.

I need a new driver's license so stopped at Secretary of State office. I passed the vision test so they issued me a new license.

Final stop Meijer's. I purchased sourdough bread, suet and petroleum jelly.

At home I hung up the suet and used the petroleum jelly to grease the pole holding the suet basket. I hope the greased pole will keep the squirrels away from the suet.

Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.

Light dinner, read the GRP and watched the news. We are now watching "The Man in the High Castle" on Amazon. The jury is still out on this one.

Wednesday April 12, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera.

Alarm goes off at 0530. Today Breakfast Club is meeting at a new location.

The meeting place is in Grandville a considerable distance from the condo. I left plenty of time to make the journey. Surprise! despite the distance it is all freeway. It took only 20 minutes about the same time as the Women's City Club. Plus I think the drive is safer. Another surprise we had a good turnout.

A downside was the food. Not bad but nothing special.

The location had really good visuals. The speaker used a power point presentation and it was shown on four large wall mounted digital monitors. She spoke on the history of Reeds Lake. Good talk aided by great visuals.

I came right home because I forgot to take my pills. I rode my bike to Panera and will continue on to the Y.

Big news today in the Alpena News. Brian Dutcher a native of Alpena was just appointed head basketball coach at San Diego State. Brian's father Jim was a great athlete at AHS. He also was head coach at Alpena CC, Eastern Michigan and Minnesota.

Brian Dutcher's grandmother was my Sunday School teacher.

Sure sign of aging, I resumed writing this blog on Thursday. I cannot remember any news I wanted to comment on.

At the Y I continued increasing my calisthenics. I also walked a mile.

Took the Burton Road and Cascade Road home.

After a quick lunch I did a load of laundry. I also took a quick nap.

Today Nancy is working at the Gardens. She also has Book Club this evening. She will not come home but go directly to Book Club.

I left home at 1630 and headed to Vitale's on Leonard. I am meeting Tom Moleski for diner.

Got home about 1830 and took Ms P on a short walk.

Tonight Nancy and I watched the final episode of Major Crimes onTNT. We like this show.

I got my 30 minutes outside today did you?

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tuesday April 11, 2017

Blog time 1145 at Panera.

The temperature really dropped last night, from the 60s to 40s. Heavy electrical storms last night. On my first venture outside this morning I noted some storm damage.

Nancy headed out early to go swimming at MVP.

No knickers today. It is too cold. I layered up and headed out. We must have gotten a lot of rain last night. Every depression was filled. The streams were running full and some were outside their banks. Water, water everywhere!

I resumed my exercise routine but at only 30%. A neighbor I saw at the Y told me we got 2.5 inches of rain last night. 2.5 inches in a short time is a lot of rain.

I know Spring Break is over because both the Y and Panera are crowded with a lot of tanned folks.

Read the Alpena and London paper headlines. The Telegraph gave good reviews to the new iPad.

Putin said the USA will attack Syria again based on what he calls a fake gas attack. I think Mr Putin's credibility is now being questioned by everyone.

Will we ever see an infrastructure construction plan or corporate tax relief?

It was still cold and windy when I left Panera. At home we got in the Escape and headed to Costco. Tuesday is a good day to shop, only old folks. We bought cheese, wine, peanut butter and sandwich rolls. Gas was $2.44.

Next stop Chow Hound where Nancy used a coupon to buy some treats.

Lunch and then watched You Tube video on how to install screen retainer. The video was good and I successfully installed screen. Of course who needs a screen door when it is 40 degrees outside.

Tasks this afternoon: Ordered some masks for my CPAC machine. My stock broker called and recommended a stock. I bought several shares. Final task was a short nap.

Nancy fixed chicken with dressing for dinner. Tasty!

Last outside activity today was a walk around the block.

We read the GRP and watched NCIS and Bull.

Tomorrow I have Breakfast Club at a new location. Got alarm set for 0530.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Monday April 10, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

The temperature remained in the 60s all night. It was warmer in GR than San Jose or LA.

For the first time this year I put on my knickers. It felt great.

Nancy has a physical therapy session this morning and then a Blodgett Guild luncheon.

I have a 1640 Doctor's appointment. I hope he gives me clearance to resume exercising.

After breakfast I biked to the Y. It was a gentle ride in keeping with the Doctor's orders.

At the Y I walked a mile.

Read the Alpena News and London papers. Most of the European leaders seem to support the USA's Syrian actions.

The G7 energy ministers at their recent meeting could not come up with a resolution on global warming. The USA balked. I think we have to get on the band wagon.

Speaking of global warming, several years ago Nancy and I attended a seminar on global warming. It was sponsored by the UM Alumni and the participants were from the school's engineering, natural resources and business schools. They all believed that something must be done to slow GW. It was a great seminar.

One finding on GW was the increase in high winds. It has been my observation that the number of windy days has increased in the past decade. I use to check on wind speed before going kayaking. If the wind was greater than 10mph I would stay home. I gave up kayaking because of so many windy days. My fisherman friends in Alpena say that their fishing on Lake Huron has been curtailed because of windy days. This is just an observation by yours truly.

At home I took Ms P on a long walk. She likes the warm weather.

I had a list of Spring time chores to do this afternoon. My first job was to take off the glass on our storm door and put on the screen. No problem getting the glass out but I could not get the retainer strip holding the screen to the frame installed. Very frustrating.

I got in the Escape and drove to Lowe's where we bought the door. A salesman showed me a You Tube clip showing how to install the strip.

After Lowe's I drove directly to the eye surgeons office. I had a 1630 appointment. I finally saw the doctor at 1800. He spent two minutes saying how great a job he did. I can now resume my normal exercise routine.

Late dinner and missed the news. A big electrical storm rolled through about 2000. Ms P went bonkers. We had storm warnings until 2200.

The Direct TV stared acting up so we switched to Netflix. We watched the last episode of an Irish Cop show. It was very good.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday April 9, 2017

Blog time 1735 sitting in living room.

Good grief! the temperature got up to 75 this afternoon. I am wearing shorts.

Alarm goes off at 0616. We have a busy morning ahead.

Leave home at 0730 and head to the Y. Nancy went swimming and I walked the track.

After the Y we headed home to drop off our stuff. Made a quick stop at Panera for coffee before heading to Trinity Lutheran. I still can not get over the fact that we are allowed to bring coffee into the service.

Today is Palm Sunday so the service was special. Good turnout and all three Pastors were in good voice.

Stopped at Meijer's for supplies and gas. Gas was $2.69.

Took Ms P on a mile walk when I got home. Recently she has been reluctant to go on a walk. I think it is her age.

Quick lunch and then a nap. I slept with the slider wide open.

It was 75 degrees when I got up. Put on a pair of shorts and took a walk.

Turkey sandwich for dinner tonight.

Finish reading the GRP and then will watch 60 Minutes before switching to Netflix.

The warm weather will continue through tomorrow. A cold front moves through on Tuesday with a high of only 48. Would you call today and tomorrow's high temps just a teaser?

Saturday April 8, 2017

Blog time 1045 at Cascade Library

It was cold, 29, when Nancy and I began our walk to Panera. However, the sun at our back had some warmth to it. Beautiful spring day.

We had our standard Saturday breakfast. Panera was not crowded, spring break?

It was about 10 degrees warmer when we left Panera with little wind.

At home I pressed two pair of khakis. I love the iron that Nancy bought.

Stopped at Macatawa Bank to make a deposit on my way to the library.

Checked emails, Alpena News and London papers before starting this blog. Slow news day.

Tonight we are taking a Groupon and heading to the Grattan Irish pub for dinner. I will have their smelt basket.

Took Ms P on a walk and then a short nap.

The Grattan Irish pub is a typical rural crossroads bar and grill. The food was very good. I had their smelt basket and Nancy had a turkey sandwich. Good experience.

It was still daylight when we got home so I took a quick walk around the block.

Debbie FaceTimed us and we spent some time catching up. One thing we did find out was that when Nancy is using FaceTime the images sometimes freeze. We concluded that this interference was caused by her pacemaker.

Finished the evening with an Australian crime doctor show.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Friday April 7, 2017

Blog time: 0930 at Panera

Cold and windy this morning. No snow or frost last night. Headed out this morning in bright sunshine.

The buds are now on the trees and bushes. Full leaves should be out in several weeks.

Nancy headed out to MVP for a class followed by brunch with her friend Kathi.

I thought the London papers would be full on criticism of the actions of the USA last night against Syria. Their comments were muted with several officials supporting the US's action.

Spent some time talking to a neighbor. Found out he worked in Palo Alto, Ca the same time that I did. He worked for the YMCA and spent some time at the Redwood City Y. Nancy and I belonged to this Y. It was down the street from our apartment. Today he was having lunch with a high school classmate of my sister, Helen.

The WSJ also had muted comment on last night's Syrian raid.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk. We got about 30% into the walk when she refused to move. I brought her home.

This afternoon I got in the Escape and headed out. Stopped at Meijer's and bought three pack of reading glasses. Total cost $10.

Next stop was Woodland Mall. Stopped at Brookstone and asked about getting a part for my electronic stylus. They did not have any parts but she said that if I brought back the box she would replace it. I noted a lot of empty store in the Mall.

At home had a quick lunch and then a nap.

Nancy had brunch with Kathi at their new favorite restaurant, Matchbox. Nancy had their favorite breakfast Latkes pancakes.

After the nap I took a walk around the block. It was a beautiful spring day. The forsythia are in bloom. I have a bad case of spring fever. In fact this morning I put away my long underwear for the year.

Nancy fixed lamb chops and a sweet potato for dinner. Great meal.

Watched some news and then took another walk around the block.

We watched an Irish Cop show on Acorn before turning in.

Thursday April 6, 2017

Blog time: 0900 at Panera

It's Back!! Winter. Very high winds and snow today.

The snow was sticking even though the temp was 33. We now have a blanket of white over all the grass areas.

Nancy headed out early to MVP. Today she resumes swimming.

I was going to walk to Panera but decided I did not need to get my eyes exposed to the high cold wind. I got in the Escape and drove.

Today is a quiet news day. I did read the Alpena News and London papers but nothing exciting.

It appears that European leaders are worried that our POTUS will do something drastic against Assad's regime without consulting them. Time will tell.

After Panera I will pick up Nancy and head to our tax preparer's office. We will pick up our return and pay our bill.

Blog resumes at 1545: sitting in living room.

As soon as I got home from Panera we headed out. First stop was the physical therapist's office to pick up an item that Nancy left at their office this morning. Nancy liked the setup and will start therapy next week.

Our tax preparer had everything ready for us. We gave them authorization to electronically file our tax return. Paid our bill and headed home.

I took a short nap and then had quick lunch.

The wind has been howling all day. Average wind speeds exceed 20mph. We have had snow/rain all day.

For the third day in a row I will not get my 30 minutes outside. Ms P has not been on a walk in about four days.

The weather should break tomorrow. Speaking of weather I really don't know how folks can say global warming is a hoax. I think the facts are clear. Photos that we saw on our Rocky Mountain trip last fall showing the retreat of glaciers should convince anyone.

Today I signed up for a DNA test. The test is part of a program sponsored by the web site "My Heritage". I use this site for my family tree.

Nancy and I are going to Shepard's Grill for dinner.

We got toShepard's Grill and it was closed because of a power outage. I assume the high winds blew down a power line.

We ended up at Brann's. I had their lobster bisque and 1/2 of Nancy's turkey sandwich.

We read the GRP and we're watching a show on Netflix when our iPads when mad telling us that USA had bombed the airstrip where Assad's planes had taken off on their chemical bomb attacks.

I am sure that all the pundits and world leaders will have strong comments. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wednesday April 5, 2017

Blog time: 1025 at Panera

The cold returns. Temps in mid 30s this morning. Snow predicted for tomorrow.

Today I had a 0900 appointment with the eye doctor. Nancy drove me. The Doc removed my patch and checked the right eye. Everything was fine.

I was told that I needed 20/40 vision in order to drive. I easily achieved that. However, I do not have 20/20. In several weeks I will go back to my OD and get some glasses that I will use for driving. I do not need glasses for normal activities. I do need reading glasses. Presently I am using readers with 2.0 magnification. That could change as my eyes heal.

Nancy dropped me off at Panera. Speaking of Panera I see that they are being purchased. Their stock is hot.

Read the Alpena News and London papers. The French election is loaded with candidates who are Eurosceptics. The U.K. is upset at Assad's use of chemical weapons. I was annoyed that POTUS said it was the previous administrations fault. Get real POTUS what happened in the past is irrelevant. The ball is in your court.

Did you know drinking wine stimulates the brain. Good news since today I can start drinking wine.

I will soon walk home and pick up the Taurus. It needs gas. Will also buy more reading glasses at Meijer's.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

She is also looking for a physical therapy clinic to help her stretch her tendon in her lower leg.

Her foot doctor recommended a work out shoe. Tomorrow we will go to Gazelle Sports and buy a pair.

Blog resumes at 1745 sitting in living room drinking wine

Not much in the WSJ today that I want to comment on. Since I discovered Apple News on my iPad I have been reading their stories and ignoring parts of the WSJ.

It was raining hard when I headed home. Got wet and had to change pants.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. She headed out at 1230.

Quick lunch and then I took a 30 minute nap.

Spent time in office writing short notes to Grandkids and paying bills. Also did a load of laundry.

The Taurus was low on gas so I drove to Meijer's to fill up. Also bought some cheap readers, a flashlight bulb, milk, ginger ale and Club soda.

Nancy said despite the rain the Gardens was crowded this afternoon. She figures it is Spring break and Mom's wanted to get the kids out of the house.

Talked to my Sister this afternoon. We compared recent eye surgery. Helen is heading back to Michigan next week.

Light dinner and then some Netflix/Acorn show before watching Major Crimes at 2100 on TNT. We like this show.

Snow is predicted for tonight. BRR!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tuesday April 4, 2017

Blog time 1445 sitting in office

The alarm goes off at 0616. It was raining when I first went out and it looks like it will rain all day. The temperature was in high forties and will remain there all day.

Today I have the cataract removed from my right eye. Getting ready was easy because no food or drink until after the surgery.

We arrived at the surgery at our appointed hour of 0800. I made my copay and filled out the same forms I did last week. Whatever happened to the paper less society?

The operation took less than eight minutes. Today I did not recall anything.

We go tomorrow to get the patch removed. No calisthenics for a week. I can walk.

Stopped at Panera to get coffee and a banana. At home I had a quick breakfast.

I was still groggy so I took a quick nap. I slept sound for an hour.

This afternoon Nancy has an appointment with her foot doctor.

I have a perforated eye patch so I have limited vision in my right eye. The operation was a success because I have good long distance vision out of the right eye. I won't need glasses for everyday activities. However, I might need a minor correction in order to pass the eye exam for a drivers license.

I need to renew my driver's license on my birthday. An eye exam is required.

The London papers are reporting on the gas attack by Assad's forces in Syria. PM May has called for an investigation. Remember President Obama's line in sand comment?

Yesterday I bought some inexpensive reading glasses. They work.

I scanned the WSJ. POTUS is meeting with the Chinese Premier this week. They are meeting at his Miami resort. What is wrong with Camp David? Meeting at Trump's resort sure gives the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Nancy's Doctor said that she does not have a broken foot but instead shortened tendon. She did have the tendon surgically lengthened several years ago but it has since shortened. Physical therapy, exercise are required.

Nancy drove me to Meijer's to pick up another Prednisone prescription. My double vision is gone so I am slowly reducing the dosages. I have been told you cannot stop Prednisone cold turkey. Where did the term "cold turkey" come from?

Chicken and rice for dinner. TV news, GRP followed by NCIS and Bull this evening. No alcohol until tomorrow.

Monday April 3, 2017

Blog time: 1120 at Panera

Today is Ms Ps birthday. She was born in 2004 in CA. Using 7 people years to one dog year Ms P would be 91 today.

Temps in the high 40s this morning. Rain will roll in later today.

After breakfast I biked to the Y. Calisthenics at 80% today.

London papers were reporting on the St Petersburg subway bombing this morning. Nancy and I visited St Petersburg several years ago. It is a beautiful city. I don't know how to stop these attacks by a lone terrorist.

Gibraltar is becoming a hot issue for the U.K. Spain will play hard ball. Maybe the U.K. should just leave?

Does anyone care about tonight's NCAA BB game? I will not watch but I would like to see Gonzaga win.

Turkey's President Erdogan is not winning friends in Germany or the Netherlands. He is calling the citizens of these countries Grandchildren of Nazism. President Erdogan should cool it.

It started to rain as soon as I got home. Immediately we got in the Escape and headed to Costco. Nancy had to pick up a prescription. I bought some Puma sun glasses.

Next stop was Walgreens. Nancy bought a gift card and I bought some inexpensive reading glasses.

The rain prevented me taking Ms P on her walk.

Took a short nap before dinner.

We had a light dinner, watched the news before turning to Netflix. We watched the last episode of Midsomer Murders on Acorn. Now we wait to new episodes.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sunday April 2, 2017

Blog time 1740 sitting in living room.

For all you folks that thought tightwad Bob would trade in a perfectly good Taurus for an overpriced Lincoln, APRIL FOOL!

Temperature this morning was 31 but once the sun came out it shot up to 58. Partly sunny most of the day.

Quick breakfast. This morning we headed to the Y so Nancy could get in her swim. Because of the eye surgery I cannot go swimming for another five weeks. I did my exercise routine at 50% and walked a mile. It took 30 minutes.

Made a quick stop at home and then headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 1000 Celebration Service. Small turnout because of Spring Break.

Bought groceries and gas at Meijer's. Gas was $2.44.

Took Ms P on a mile walk.

Of course I took my mandatory Sunday nap.

Finished outdoor activities with a 3 mile walk.

Nancy's homemade pea soup and a fried egg sandwich for dinner.

Will watch 60 Minutes and finish reading the GRP.

We have been watching Striking Out on Acorn. It is a drama set in Dublin. Last episode tonight.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Saturday April 1, 2017

Blog time: 1910 sitting in den.

April Fools day. The English papers ran an AFs article on the sighting of Polar Bear in Scotland. Of course there are no polar bears in Scotland.

Best April Fools joke ever was Sports Illustrated Sid Finch story. I fell for it hook line and sinker.

Warm temps and bright sun all day. A perfect Spring day.

We drove to Panera for breakfast.

After breakfast we all got in the Escape and ran errands.

First stop was our tax preparer. We dropped off our final tax forms.

Stopped at Cabelas but did not buy anything.

Nancy bought a pair of walking shoes at the New Balance store. Only New Balance makes a shoe that allows Nancy's foot brace to fit properly.

Final stop was the Lincoln dealer. We traded in the Taurus and bought a Lincoln sedan. Nancy picked the color, burnt orange. Car will be delivered next month.

At home took Ms P on a mile walk.

Such a nice day I took a 12 mile bike ride.

Upgraded our iwatches and iPhones.

For dinner Nancy and I headed to JT's Pizza. We split a pineapple and ham.

We are now watching the NCAA BB game. Will switch to Netflix or Acorn soon.

The birds are singing, frogs croaking and crocuses are blooming. Yes folks Spring is here.

Friday March 31, 2017

Blog time: 0920 at Panera

Walked out this morning into a steady drizzle. Temp in mid 20s.

No Y or calisthenics this morning because at 1030 I am helping the condo association evaluate wood decks.

I hustle to Panera for a quick read. While ordering I ran into Jim Moresi our financial planner. I bought Jim breakfast. We had a nice talk.

Got a call from the surgeon and my surgery is Tuesday at 0815.

The London papers are concentrating on the trails of BRexit and pesky Scotland.

Spain has said they will not approve BRexit unless the U.K. gives up Gibraltar. Everyone has an axe to grind.

I had the 1030 meeting so I left Panera early and walked home in the drizzle.

Today John Baar and I were planning on inspecting decks, chimneys and retaining walls for condo units. John is a Board member of our condo association. I was surprised at how many small repairs are needed. We looked at three units before it started to rain. Inspections to resume next week.

Still needing exercise I drove to the Y and did the routine at 60%. Walked two miles and was surprised at how many folks lapped me. Twenty minute miles are slow at the Y. It is difficult for me to walk faster than a 20' miles.

Stopped at Meijer's to pick up a prescription.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Costco. Nancy picked up a prescription and we bought several small items. For a Friday Costco was not very crowded.

The drizzle continued most of the afternoon.

Took a short nap.

Nancy made homemade pea soup for dinner. It was great. We also started a baguette from Trader Joe's. Love baguettes.

After dinner I took a walk around the block.

We watched A new show on Netflix called Rosewood. It was terrible.

I think the English know how to produce mysteries that adults can enjoy. The last two USA shows that we watched on Netflix were really bad.

Thursday March 30, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

It was raining hard this morning and looks like it will rain all day.

For the first time since my surgery I wore my sleep apnea mask last night. I think I slept better.

After breakfast I put on my rain suit and walked to the Y. Temps in mid 30s but 20 mph wind put wind chill in mid 20s.

Calisthenics at 50% today. Also walked a mile.

The London papers keep reporting on the trials and tribulations of BRexit. Article 50 passage has started the official two year process.

Scotland is still talking about leaving the U.K. The Scott and McTavish families were right to leave.

Putin has a knack of getting in the news. He now claims most of the resources rich land above the arctic circle. I am sure he will hear from Canada, Denmark, Norway and the USA. China has done the same thing in the South China Sea.

I think I will write my Congressman, a member of the Freedom Caucus, and let him know that I think his group is obstructionist.

The business world seems to be taking a hiatus. Are they waiting for the Trump administration to get their business agenda passed? POTUS might have to get some support from the Dems.

It was still raining hard when I left Panera and should continue until early tomorrow.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Woodland Mall. I wanted to get a part for my stylus from Brookstone. Surprise Brookstone was closed. They are moving to a new location in the Mall.

On way home stopped at Meijer's to pick up a prescription.

I am on a confusing eye drop schedule following the surgery. I was working this afternoon on a spreadsheet to keep track of the schedule when I got a called from the alarm company. They had received a call saying our motion detector had low batteries. I took the batteries out and of course the alarm goes off. Reset the alarm and called the alarm company that everything was ok.

We drove to Meijer's and I bought batteries. On way home stopped at Brann's for dinner I had the Lobster Bisque and Nancy had the super turkey sandwich. I had half.

We are now watching an episode of Midsomer Murders.