Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday May 31, 2016

Log time: 2145

Almost back to normal Tuesday. Nancy got up early and headed to MVP for her Tuesday swim.

I did my calisthenics at home and then called our plumber. He said he would arrive at 0930. We need a plumber to unhook our kitchen sink before the new counter tops can be installed. After the top is installed he will come back and hook everything up. The plumber looked at our sink and pointed out a potential problem that will require some carpenter work before the new top can be installed.

I pedaled to Panera for coffee and to read the papers. Unfortunately I could not download the WSJ this morning. I called Apple and cancelled my subscription. I will reload tonight or may start reading the NYT. I read USA Today and the news clips on the Apple News app.

I pedaled 8 miles to the Y. Today I ran a mile. I did step on the scale and found out my weight had not changed despite the Holiday.

Randy our painter, who also works at the Y, told me that he is ready to start painting the downstairs bath on Friday. I will have to spent some time moving all the stuff out of the bath.

I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Williams Bath. They are providing the new countertops. Nancy wanted to know if they could help solve our sink problem. They were not much help.

At home I took some new measurements. I think that our painter, Randy, could do the necessary carpenter work so that the sink could be installed. Stay tuned.

Took Ms P on her nature walk. I took a short nap and then headed downstairs to clean out my in-basket. It took over 90 minutes.

Had a light dinner and then we took a short walk. Watched Rosemary and Thyne on netflix. It is 2200 and the outside temperature is 75. Don't you just love warm weather.

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