Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday May 2, 2016

Log time: 1739

Almost back to normal Monday. Nancy headed out to MVP and I rode the bike to the Y this morning. It was a bright, fresh morning. We had rain last night that seemed to clean the air.

I did the Y routine at 75%. I will be at 100% on Thursday.

Had coffee and a banana at Panera. I read the WSJ. I have found several new sources of news that I like. The new USA app is great and it includes headlines from the Detroit Free Press. I also have been reading Apple news.

This morning on CNBC, Warren Buffett was interviewed. His comments were very interesting. He maintains that for the little guy it is better to be a passive investor and buy index funds. He said that investors who invests in hedge funds do not do as well as passive investors. So for the long haul young folks should buy index funds and forget about them until you are ready to retire. That advise from Mr. Buffett.

Buffett is a big investor in Coke. Coke has been taking a hit lately from the food police because of their sugary drinks. Buffett drinks about 6 bottles of cherry coke a day. He looks pretty healthy for a man of 85. I really get mad at all the folks trying to tell me what to eat. Mind your own business.

At home I had a quick lunch and then ran some errands. I did banking, dropped several wool garments at the cleaners, mailed a package and stopped at the bike shop to get the brakes adjusted on my internal hub bike.

Took Ms P on her normal walk. She seems to be coming out of her funk.

Nancy had a tooth pulled this afternoon. She is uncomfortable but does not want any pain killers.

Light dinner tonight and then some streaming TV.

The yard folks have been busy today. Most of the offices near the condo had their grass cut for the first time. Mulch is being applied all over town. Busy time for the landscape folks.

Remember you should get outside 30 minutes every day.

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