Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday May 25, 2016

Log time: 1740

Breakfast Club Wednesday: The alarm goes off at 0550 and I get right up. Headed out at 0630 in bright sunshine. I like driving in daylight. My night vision is not what it used to be.

We had a good crowd today but both breakfast and speaker were not up to BC standards.

Today is my rope yarn Wednesday. Rope yarn is a Navy term. In the old sailing Navy the ship would suspend Naval activities for an afternoon and allow the crew to do personal chores, such as: wash clothes, get hair cut and clean out their small locker. Most important they would write letters home. If they could not write they had a fellow crew member help them.

My first chore this morning was to get my car washed, inside and out. Then I headed to Berger and got an oil change.

At home I changed clothes and biked to the Y. I took the short route. I went swimming. Swam my normal 1,000 yards.

I had a quick lunch and then continued my rope yarn activities.

I did two loads of laundry, and took out the trash.

I have been letting my hair grow and it is the longest it has been in years. I asked Nancy what she thought and she indicated that she liked it short. I cut my hair.

Today Ms P and I went on our nature walk. We walk along the old golf course. Our route is 1.25 miles. Ms P likes the walk because I unhook the leash and let her roam.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She got home early because they were not busy.

I did take a short nap.

Today has been a great summer day. Sun all day and the present temperature is 87.

Rain starts later tonight. Look like rain every day right through the weekend.

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