Saturday, May 21, 2016

Friday May 20, 2016

Log time: 1410

Sitting on our deck writing this blog. The temperature now is 72 with sun. Love this weather.

Once again we are up with the birds. Nancy heads to MVP and I stay home and do all my calisthenics.

No Y today, after breakfast I pedal to Panera for coffee. As I mentioned earlier I do not read any newspaper articles about the presidential election. I did read several articles about the problems in Turkey and Brazil.

Puerto Rico’s financial problems are a mess. I hope no federal funds are used to get them out of their mess. It is hard to believe that 30% of their budget is debt related.

We have several local governments in the USA that have huge unfunded pension obligations. I hope the US Legislature does not cave and bail out these jurisdictions.

Why does a government employee have his college loan obligation forgiven after 10 years and a private sector employee does not?

I keep reading about Federal employees getting year end bonuses. Why should a Fed bureaucrat in a secure job get a bonus? Enough of the rants.

After coffee I pedaled over to Gagnon Travel so see about getting tickets to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. In late August Nancy and I are going on a Road Scholars tour of the American and Canadian Rockies. It is a 10 day tour that starts in Jackson Hole and ends in Calgary. We are going with the Nameys.

We have a busy summer planned. AJ is coming in July and then we will take her back to CA. The weekend of August 12 we are attending my 60th Alpena High reunion. The end of August we are heading to Jackson Hole.

After leaving Gagnon I took the long road home. My watch said I have biked over 17 miles.

Kim was busy cleaning when I got home. I took Ms P on a walk to get her out of Kim’s hair.

Nancy had an appointment with the cardiologist this afternoon. They gave her a clean bill of health. They did mention she should reduce her salt intake.

Tonight we are attending an event at the GR Art Museum. Stay tuned!

Resume Log at 2100:

Took a short nap and then a walk around the block before showering. We left home for the GR Art Museum at 1830. The GRAM offered snacks and I bought a wine. The GRAM was showing some of their art that normally is not on prominent display.

It is now 2118 and the temperatures 66. It is warmer in GR than LA or San Jose.

I think Spring has finally arrived. The trees are in full bloom, our grass is green and the temperature is warm.

We are watching a New Zealand Police drama on Netflix. I like it but Nancy is not sure.

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