Friday, May 20, 2016

Thursday May 19, 2016

Log Time: 2112

We woke up with the sun and the birds today. The weather folks say the high today will be in the mid 60s. Good news.

Nancy headed to MVP for her swim. I took the six mile bike route to the Y. Completed the calisthenics and headed to Panera for coffee and the papers.

I really think the business news folks spends too much time worrying about what the Feds will do with the interest rates. Who really cares and what difference will it make?

I did spent about an hour reading the WSJ but 11 hours later I cannot remember anything that I thought important. Lately I find USA Today's short simple stories more interesting.

On my way home I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get some money for Kim. She comes to clean tomorrow. I have never been in the Cascade Macatawa branch when there were more than two customers.

I had a quick lunch and then headed out to Dr Lambert's office. Today I get my temporary crowns removed and the permanent ones installed. It took less than 30 minutes.

Stopped at the Orvis shop and bought a long sleeve tee. I have an Orvis khaki vest that I have been wearing for years. I wanted another one. Found out the vest is no longer available.

I have an ancient lamp in my office. The 3 way bulb burned out so I wanted to replace it. Only the Lightning Center carries this bulb. I wanted to buy two but I got the last one. They claim the bulbs are on back order. I sure hope so.

Nancy spent a lot of time in our courtyard today planting flowers. It looks good.

I took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. Only the second time this week.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I walked over to Sundance. It is 0.8 miles. We both had their ham-de-scram.

Watched the national news and then an episode of House of Cards followed by Arrested Development. I don't like this year's House of Cards.

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