Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday May 16, 2016

Log time: 2120

Up with the sun, 0615, this morning. I did the calisthenics at home.

Nancy headed to MVP and Debbie and I headed to the Gathering Place for breakfast.

After breakfast I gave Debbie a tour of Cascade and Ada.

Took Ms P on her daily walk and then got on my bike and took a 12 mile ride.

Shower, shave and a quick lunch followed by a nap.

At 1730 we all got in the Taurus and headed to the Beltline Bar for dinner. Kathi Kothi met us there. I had the Famous burrito for dinner. It was great. Both Debbie and I agreed the BB's burritos are the best.

It is now 2200 and we are watching Pioriot on Netflix.

We had spots of rain today but temps were in the mid 60s.

I think the cold weather has passed and we should return to normal tomorrow.

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