Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday May 18, 2016

Log time: 1800

I am sitting on our deck drinking wine and writing this blog. It has been a nice spring day with sun and temps in the mid 60s.

Today is my easy Wednesday. I pedal over to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast. I had a chance to read the WSJ from cover to cover. I am getting tired reading business and political news. The business pundits are always commenting on the Fed and interest rates. They are usually wrong. The political news is very depressing. I do like reading the world news especially about China and South America.

After breakfast I load the bike on the Cobalt and head to Millennium Park. First time that I biked Millennium this year. It was a great day for a ride. I rode 18 miles. This was my longest ride of the year.

At home I tried to get Ms P to take a walk. I was not successful. I took a short walk alone.

Spent some time lubing my bike. Tomorrow is trash and recycle day so I put our containers at the curb.

Nancy is working at the garden this afternoon. I took a short nap.

We had a light dinner tonight. Watched the news and then took a walk around the block.

It is now 2030 and we are watching Midsomer Murder on netflix.

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