Saturday, May 14, 2016

Friday May 13, 2016

Log time: 1750

Friday the 13th: The alarm goes off at 0615. I have to hustle to get my calisthenics done because Debbie’s flight from Chicago comes in at 0830.

We all get in the Taurus and head out. I did stop at Starbucks to get a coffee. I drop Nancy off at the American terminal and then Ms P and I head for the cell phone lot.

We did not have to wait long. Debbie does not check bags so as soon as her flight landed she was ready.

We stop at home to unload the car and then head to Sundance for breakfast. It was 1000 and the place was crowded with a lot of old folks. The checks must of come in today.

Debbie’s iPad went dead so Nancy made an appointment at the Apple store. While they headed out I put on my bike clothes and took a 12 mile bike ride. It was a great day for a ride. Temps in low 60s with sun.

Debbie could not get over how green it was. That is a standard comment from folks visiting from CA.

After the ride I showered and had a quick lunch. Nancy needed some grapes so we headed for Costco. Eggs today were $0.66 per dozen. That folks is a record low price.

I took a short nap. Tonight we are eating at the Olive Garden. Stay tuned!

We got to Olive Garden at 1830 and I expected a long wait. No wait we were seated immediately. Debbie and I had pasta and Nancy had a bowl of soup. We all gave the place a B+.

Debbie wanted to see some family pictures. Big mistake! I got out all my family photos and we spent the rest of the evening traveling down memory lane.

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