Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday May 23, 2016

Log time: 1730

Another great day with sun and temperatures in low 80s. Up with the sun, 0610, and we get ready for a busy day.

Nancy is not going to MVP today. Instead she and Kathi are going to Countryside Greenhouse in Allendale. Nancy said the parking lot was not full at 0900 but by 1030 no spaces were available. Nancy bought hanging baskets and flowers. She and Kathi had brunch in Walker.

I did my calisthenics at home and then got on my bike and headed to the Y. I was at the bottom of the long hill at Thornapple and Cascade Road when I realized I was missing my three front teeth.

Deer alert! A deer has just walked into my view. I took a photo.

My dental bridge that contains my three front upper teeth was sitting in a container at home. I turned around and headed back up the hill. I put my teeth in and headed back to the Y. Was this a senior moment?

At the Y I ran a mile, showered and headed to Panera.

Today’s news:

If you don’t have a college degree your chances of getting a home loan are elusive. I find this fact disheartening.

Will the army of Iraq really take Fallujah and should we care?

The Zika mosquitoes are coming to the US.

A lot of economic news this week but who cares?

I think it is premature to think the crash of the EgyptAir plane was an act of terror.

John Kerry said the sanction on Myanmar will remain. I don’t think sanctions work and may even do more harm than good.

After Panera I headed home. Nancy was not home yet so I took Ms P on her walk.

Had lunch and then spent an hour helping Nancy with her plants. I also put some packaged liquid cement in a large crack in our front concrete steps.

Took a nap and then headed outside to write this blog. It is now 1758, dinner time. Stay tuned!

Bear Alert! The evening news said a big black bear was seen about 1 mile from the condo.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. So it seems with Vietnam. President Obama is now proposing selling military supplies to them.

For first time this year I wore shorts. A sure sign summer is here.

I got my 30 in today. I hope you did too.

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