Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tuesday May 10, 2016

Tuesday May 10, 2016

The weather man said we can expect rain all day today. He was right.

I did the calisthenics at home today because at 0900 Dougherty Electric is coming to install four recessed lights in the kitchen.

Phil Dougherty was right on time. The job was more complicated than I had thought. Phil had to get in the attic so I had to empty a closet and remove several shelves. It took three hours to complete the job. The existing lights were very old and in order to remove the lights some damage was done to the drywall. The new lights look good. They are LED type lights. Next week I will have Remes Drywall in to patch the damaged area.

It was raining too hard for a bike ride so I got in the Taurus and drove to the Y. I ran a mile. After the Y I stopped at the bank to get some cash and then the dry cleaners.

Did not have lunch today until 1430. Took a short nap. Tomorrow morning I am introducing the speaker, so I put my intro on index cards.

Nancy fixed salmon for dinner tonight. Had it with a sweet potato and green beans. Good.

It is now 1900 and it look like I will not be able to do my evening walk because of the rain.

Tonight will read the GRP and watch NCIS.

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