Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Tuesday May 24, 2016

Log time: 1720

My body is in sync with the sun. The sun came up at 0610 and that is the same time I started stirring.

Another nice warm sunny day. Present temp is 86.

Nancy headed out at 0730 for her swim at MVP. I left shortly after and biked to the Y.

Did the calisthenics and mile run before heading to Panera.

Turkey appears to be the key to solving the migrant crisis. However, their efforts to control dissent is making the EU nervous.

Will the big offensive by the Iraq army against ISIS be successful? They do not have a great track record.

I agree with Trump when he says the invasion of Iraq was a big mistake.

Log resumes: 1730 Wednesday

After lunch tried to take Ms P on her walk. No luck.

Ran several errands. Stopped at Target and Dick's to purchase some gift cards. At Dick's I was looking for water shoes and a high visibility long sleeve tee. No luck.

Final stop was Costco. Bought a brick of Irish cheese and a 1.5 L bottle of wine.

Took a short nap and then at 1730 Nancy and I headed out to Bonefish Grill. We are meeting the Horlings, Karen and Hal, for dinner. Bonefish was jammed. Who goes out Tuesday evening?

We had good food and conversation. A nice evening.

At home we started watching a Netflix show but I fell asleep. First night this year where I haven't used the electric blanket to warm up the bed.

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