Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tuesday May 17, 2016

Log time: 1745 Wednesday

Tuesday morning: Nancy heads out for her swim and I do my calisthenics at home.

This morning Debbie and I walked over to Leo’s for breakfast. This was my first breakfast at Leo’s and it was good. Debbie thought so too.

When Nancy got home from her swim She and Debbie headed out to Standard Kitchen to look at counter tops for our kitchen.

I got on my bike and headed to the Y. I ran a mile and did some additional calisthenics.

Spent some time making up a list of things to do. Also scanned the WSJ.

Debbie leaves for CA this afternoon so we have to get her to the airport before 1730.

We had a late lunch at Russ’s. Debbie and I had Russ’s world famous chicken rice soup.

We dropped Debbie off at the airport about 1730. It was great having her. Nancy and I really enjoyed her company.

About 1630 Nancy and I headed to Noto’s for dinner. The three condo units that were built around the golf course are starting their summer monthly dinners. The dinner was well attended and Nancy and I met more neighbors. The food was very good.

Nancy taped NCIS so we could watch it when we got home. About 10 minutes into the show we both fell asleep. We will have to rerun the show to see how it ends.

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