Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wednesday May 4, 2016

Log time: 1600

Today is easy Wednesday. It was raining when I looked out this morning so I put on my rain gear and walked to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.

Well it looks like it is decided. You vote for either Clinton or Trump. Neither are my first choice or for that matter second or third.

Press freedoms continue to be eliminated in China. I think whenever you try to suppress speech it will eventually come back and bite you.

I sure hope Brazil gets it act together before the summer games.

It was raining hard when I left Panera. At home I put on dry trousers.

Today I went swimming at the Y. Before the swim I got in the Cobalt and did some banking and picked up my dry cleaning.

The pool was not crowded today. I swam 1,000 yards.

I had a 1230 Doctor’s appointment today. The other night Nancy thought I had stopped breathing between snores. Dr Kutsche examined me and set up an at home Sleep Apnea test.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. I don’t think they will be busy with the rain.

Right now I am waiting for the Alarm man to stop by and check out our system. I got a call from the company while drinking beer in a pub in Dublin, Ireland telling me the system had malfunctioned.

Stay tuned!

The alarm man spent about an hour installing an upgrade to our system.

Nancy said the Gardens were not busy today.

We had a light dinner. Watched the news.

I thought the rain had stopped so I headed out for my evening walk. Wrong! It was still raining. It is now 1950 and we are watching Jeopardy.

Tonight we will watch the final episode of Janet King on Acorn.

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