Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday May 12, 2016

Log time: 2030 Thursday

Breakfast Club Wednesday and it was great to drive downtown in daylight.

Todays speaker talked about the sale of the Steelcase Pyramid to Switch a Los Vegas data storage firm. It is a huge project. The Pyramid had been vacant for the past six years.

I had the job of introducing the speaker. After BC I headed to the Starbucks at Woodland Mall. I had coffee and read the papers. Stopped at J Crew and bought a pair of shorts.

As soon as I got home I got on my bike and took a 14 mile ride.

Nancy worked at the gardens this afternoon.

This evening Nancy and I are going to a charity event at Meijer’s Garden. Kathi Kothe is going with us. Last year we bid on the African Safari. This year we don’t plan on bidding. We did pay $60 for two bottles of wine. When we got home we found out that one bottle was worth $48 and the other $14.

Thursday May 12:

Up at normal time this morning. Rain is predicted for this afternoon. Before heading out to the Y I got the downstairs bedroom ready for Debbie. She is spending a long weekend in GR.

It rained last night so I had to pedal through some large puddles this morning. I did the calisthenics and ran a mile at the Y.

It must be exam time for area high school seniors because Panera was crowded with students studying.

WSJ spent a lot of space on the election. I don’t read about the elections so it did not take long to cover the other news.

I sure hope the impeachment trial in Brazil does not impact the Olympics. Did you know that Brazil is the world’s fifth most populous country?

It started raining as soon as I got home. Our dehumidifier is broken so I took it to Sears this afternoon. Sears does not do in-house repairs. The dehumidifier would be sent to TN for repairs. Of course I would have to put down a $100 non-refundable deposit. The salesman recommended I buy a new unit. I did not take his advise.

Stopped at Home Depot and found they had a dehumidifier for $50 less than the Sear unit. No decision was made.

At home Nancy informed me that Debbie’s flight out of San Jose was delayed. She was flying to Dallas and then on to GR. I planned on picking her up at 2200.

Nancy fixed a pork chop with dressing and lima beans for dinner. We watched the news. The rain had stopped so I took a walk around the block.
Debbie just notified us that American sent her to Chicago. They will put her up for the night. Her flight to GR will get in at 1000 tomorrow.

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